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无公害生产已经成为农产品生产的发展趋势,也是增强我国加入WTO 后农产品竞争优势的必由之路。根据黑龙江省果、蔬无公害优质化栽培技术项目总体要求,提出果树无公害病虫综合防治技术要点如下:1、病虫害防治原则应采取农业、物理和化学方法相结合的原则。(1)农业防治。如冬季清除果园的残枝落叶,剪除病虫枝梢,深翻树盘,刮老翘皮集中销毁,可杀死各种病虫。(2)物理防治。如苹果卷叶蛾、金龟甲等多种害虫具有强烈的趋光或趋味性,利用黑光灯诱杀和监测一举两得。(3)化学防治。在农业、物理防治的基础上,再通过喷施化学农药,可减少用药量,降低农药残留和生产成本,提高果园经济效益。2、病害防治技术果树病虫害种类繁多,下面仅介绍在生产上危害较重、发生较为普遍的病虫害防治方法。(1)苹果、梨腐烂病。萌芽前或秋季落叶后全树喷施3~5度石硫合剂或腐烂清洗剂。早春和秋季经常检查病斑,发现后及时彻底刮除,并涂抹药剂消毒,常用消毒剂有843康复剂、治腐灵、农抗120,半月后再涂抹一次,结合防治腐烂病,加入氨基酸钙涂抹树干,有利于钙吸收。(2)早期落叶病。发病初期6月中旬用80%大生~45可湿性粉剂800倍液或70%安泰生800倍液喷雾;发病期用 Pollution-free production has become the development trend of agricultural products, but also the only way to enhance the competitive advantage of agricultural products after China’s accession to the WTO. According to the overall requirements of Heilongjiang Province fruit and vegetable pollution-free and high-quality cultivation technology project, the key points of the comprehensive prevention and control of pollution-free pests and diseases of fruit trees are as follows: 1. The principle of pest control should adopt the principle of combining agricultural, physical and chemical methods. (1) Agricultural control. Such as the removal of branches orchards in winter leaves, cut off the branches and pests, deep plowing the tree plate, scraping the old Alice skillet concentrated to kill a variety of pests. (2) physical control. Such as apple leaf roller moth, tortoiseshell and other pests have a strong tendency to light or tend to use black light trapping and monitoring serve two purposes. (3) Chemical control. On the basis of agriculture and physical prevention and control, spraying chemical pesticides can reduce dosage, reduce pesticide residues and production costs, and improve the economic benefits of orchards. 2, disease prevention and control technology Pests and diseases of a wide variety of fruit trees, the following is only introduced in the production of more serious harm, the occurrence of the more common pest control methods. (1) apple, pear rot disease. Sprout before or after the fall of the whole tree spraying 3 ~ 5 degrees stone sulfur mixture or decay cleaning agent. Early spring and autumn often check the lesion, after the discovery of timely and complete curettage, and smear Pharmacy disinfection, commonly used disinfectant 843 rehabilitation agent, cure rot, 120, a half months and then smear once combined with the prevention and treatment of rot disease, adding calcium amino acid Smear the trunk, which is good for calcium absorption. (2) early deciduous disease. The early onset of mid-June with 80% ~ 45 45% wettable powder 800 times or 70% Antai 800 times spray;
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