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本文根据我国重载运输发展的现状,重申在我国铁路发展重载运输的必要性,强调应将发展重载运输作为提高铁路运输能力的基本方针。文中指出,应以单编式重载列车为主、组合列车为辅作为我国发展重载运输的模式。并强调,应做好运输组织、运输经济和运输规划的研究,以求重载运输发挥切实的经济效益。文中指出,为保证重载列车的安全运行和进一步发展,必须从我国的实际条件出发,立即着手车钩、缓冲器、制动装置第一阶段的更新换代工作,抓紧对现有车辆的改造,以收到投资少收益大的经济效果,不可盲目追求世界最先进的水平,延误我国铁路重载运输的发展。要积极进行重载操纵技术和操纵控制的研究,还必须加强重载列车与轨道相互作用的研究。在强化轨道整体结构和保证其正常维修周期的基础上,提高轨道承载能力并积极发展大型车辆, Based on the status quo of the development of heavy haul transport in our country, this paper reaffirms the necessity of developing heavy haul transportation in our country and emphasizes that the development of heavy haul transportation should be taken as the basic guideline of improving railway transportation capacity. The article pointed out that the main type of single-coded heavy-duty trains should be the main train of combined trains as a model for developing heavy-haul transport in China. He also stressed that research on transport organizations, transport economy and transport planning should be done in an effort to bring tangible economic benefits to heavy-haul transport. The article pointed out that in order to ensure the safe operation and further development of heavy-haul trains, we must proceed from the actual conditions of our country and start immediately with the replacement and replacement of the first stage of the coupler, bumper and brake devices and pay close attention to the reconstruction of the existing vehicles. We can not blindly pursue the world’s most advanced level and delay the development of heavy rail transportation in our country. To actively carry out heavy-duty handling technology and control of the study, but also must strengthen the heavy-load train and orbit interaction research. On the basis of strengthening the overall structure of the track and ensuring its normal maintenance cycle, it will increase the carrying capacity of the track and actively develop large-scale vehicles,
地区总产量一、海水产品合计其中二、淡水产品合计其中捕捞养殖捕捞养殖全国总计1060973960578254633306142451945519146544403897474 北京— 天津 河北 山西 内蔽 辽宁 吉林
本文讨论了冻胀力的产生与土壤颗粒、水分迁移的关系。多年实践经验表明,“换砂法”是整治桥梁墩台冻害的有效方法。 This paper discusses the relationship between the f
我们公司位于辽东半岛南端,西靠渤海,东临黄海,西南与大连海港相望,东北与正在兴建的大连经济技术开发区相距仅有五公里. 公司拥有50万平方米的港地,可供三百艘渔轮停泊;陆