
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:datou19881020
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  1~3 BAB
  1~5 CCACB
People today eat far more than they used to—and far more than they need to. This means that they’re always taking in more calories1 than their bodies can use. However, many of us don’t know that we’re
“I don’t need a haircut!” he would always shout. One day, Sammy got his worst haircut yet. After that, he decided2 he would never get another haircut again.  他总是一直吵着:“我不需要理发!”有一天,萨米剪了一个最糟糕的发型之后,他决定以后再
- Passage 1 -  A woman saw three old men sitting outside. She said, “I don’t think I know you, but you must be very hungry. Please come in and have something to 1 .”  “We don’t go into a house 2 ,” th
听力部分:  1. 【中考原题】邵阳市2017年初中毕业学业考试英语试卷笔试部分第6题:  What is Laura doing?  A. Watching TV.  B. Cleaning the room.  C. Reading a book.  【切中题1】《步步为营 决胜中考》中考英语全真模拟题(二)第7题:  What is the man doing?  A. Looking fo
Chinese women are becoming more independent1 and shedding2 the traditional image of just being wives and mothers, said a new study that followed their online shopping habits. Female consumers are spen
■  - Passage 1 -  A healthy diet (饮食) along with exercise will help you look better, feel better and live longer.  But I am 1 to say that many children don’t have a healthy lifestyle. They eat much ju
Dr. Jane Goodall is a famous specialist1 in studying wild animals, especially in chimps2. She is a kind, modest and outspoken3 woman.  简·古道尔博士是一位著名的野生动物研究专家,尤其是在研究黑猩猩方面。她是一位善良、谦逊而又坦诚的女性。  In her child
I am growing up day by day and I have some changes.  First, my grades are better than before because I study harder. I am very happy about this and my parents are happy, too. I will go on studying har
学习成绩好不好关键要看学习习惯好不好、学习方法对不对。无章法的埋头苦读往往会让人迷失方向,而掌握一个好的学习方法却可以事半功倍。来看看最低效的六个学习方法,你中了几个?  一次性把作业搞定  一口气把所有作业都做完是好事吗?一次性把作业搞定只是一时的痛快,却有可能会造成一个学期、一年、甚至整个中考的痛。老师布置的是一个暑假的作业量,这需要同学们根据自己的计划来完成,是希望同学们不会因为假期娱乐影响
本期点评名师  陈传光 男,江苏省连云港市罗阳中学高级教师,从事教育工作逾15年。江苏省教育学会会员,连云港市优秀教育园丁,曾荣获英语专业技能大赛市一等奖,班主任基本功大赛市一等奖。有多篇论文在各主流和核心期刊上发表。指导学生在各类竞赛中取得了优异成绩,多人获得省级、地市级奖。  My Community Centre  My name is Zhu Jinxing. I live with my