
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsu_mike
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目的探讨人间布鲁杆菌病(以下简称布病)疫情下降原因,为制定防控措施积累科学依据。方法选择人间布病疫情严重且2010年病例数较2009年大幅度下降的市、县、村作为调查点,收集并调查居民畜牧养殖、畜间疫情、人间布病疫情、防疫措施的变化情况,分析人间布病疫情下降原因。结果 2010年人间布病疫情下降与畜牧存栏量减少、户养殖率下降、养殖人口率下降、畜间布病疫情下降和畜疫户率降低等因素有关。畜牧存栏量大幅度减少的原因是2009年11月实施了严厉的禁牧政策,养殖成本增加,居民弃养或减少了家畜存栏数;由于禁牧导致圈养增多,减少了羊群间布病传播的机会,畜间布病疫情减轻。还发现羊是当地布病的主要传染源。当地居民畜牧养殖行为习惯和健康行为形成不是影响2010年人间布病疫情下降的因素。结论当地人间布病疫情下降主要原因是当地政府禁牧导致了羊存栏量减少,羊群布病疫情减轻所致。 Objective To investigate the reasons for the decline of human brucellosis (hereinafter referred to as brucellosis) and to accumulate scientific evidence for the development of prevention and control measures. Methods Select cities, counties and villages where the prevalence of brucellosis is very serious and the number of cases in 2010 dropped significantly from that of 2009 as an investigation point to collect and investigate the changes of resident animal husbandry, domestic animal epidemic, human brucellosis and epidemic prevention measures, Analysis of the reasons for the decline of human brucellosis. Results In 2010, there was a drop in the prevalence of brucellosis in the world and a decrease in the stock of livestock and poultry. The rate of household breeding decreased, the population of breeding population declined, the epidemic situation of brucellosis decreased and the rate of livestock epidemic decreased. The reason for the drastic reduction in the stock of livestock was the strict prohibition of grazing policy implemented in November 2009, the increased cost of breeding and the abandonment or reduction of the population of livestock by residents; the increase of captive breeding due to forbidding grazing reduces the spread of brucellosis among flocks The chance of brucellosis epidemic alleviate. Sheep was also found to be the main source of local brucellosis. The local people’s livestock breeding habits and health behaviors are not the factors that affect the decline of human brucellosis in 2010. Conclusion The main cause of the brucellosis epidemic among locals is that the ban on grazing caused by the local government led to the decrease of the amount of sheep stockpile and the reduction of epidemic situation of brucellosis in sheep.