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“近日,卫生部部长陈竺在出席”慢性非传染性疾病防治策略研讨会“时表示,将通过深化医改为控烟助力,逐步把戒烟咨询和药物纳入基本医保。一石激起千层浪,医保制度是否应该为戒烟埋单,成为坊间热议的焦点。”控烟是个社会问题,帮助更多的人戒除烟瘾,无论如何都是一件有益社会的好事。但是,综合目前的戒烟医学水平和医保制度实施情形来看,戒烟成本是否应由医保来承担,很值得商榷。关于戒烟,有这么一句据传是来自丘吉尔的冷幽默:“戒烟?太容易了,我都 Recently, Minister of Health Chen Zhu attended the ”NCD Symposium on Prevention and Cure of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases“ and said that he will gradually introduce medical smoking cessation counseling and drugs into basic medical insurance through deepening medical reform. , Whether the medical insurance system should pay for smoking cessation has become the focus of the heated debate. ”Tobacco control is a social problem that helps more people get rid of addiction. In any event, it is a good social thing. However, considering the current status of quitting smoking and the implementation of the medical insurance system, whether smoking cessation costs should be covered by medical insurance is debatable. About smoking cessation, there is rumored to be a cold humor from Churchill: "Quit smoking? Too easy, I have
鸦片战争后 ,上海逐步发展成为近代中国最大的工商业城市和经济中心。随着东西方政治、经济、文化的交流和社会经济的发展 ,上海地区居民的衣食居住礼仪也发生了显著的变迁
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7月正直炎炎夏日,本期艺术新意精选了设计师们为这个季节打造的物品,种种巧思为这个夏天带了阵阵清凉。01遮阳篷Awning来自美国的盖斯·比斯门(Garth Britzman)用空饮料瓶填