Climatic fluctuation and disasters during recent 100 years in China’s tropics

来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 8次 | 上传用户:hxt
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The temperature appeared rising trend during the 20th century in Chinas tropics. Two cooling stages and two warming stages in the process of climatic fluctuation can be recognized. After the 1980s the climate is the warmest which corresponds to the g
1.争取国家发展和改革委员会、科技部、信息产业部、交通部、国家测绘局等中央部门的支持,组织协会专家对国家已批准的产业化示范工程项目进行调研、跟踪工作,定期总结经验,在行业内进行宣传报道,推进产业的发展。 2.伽利略计划的中欧合作协议,已开始付诸实施,协会应密切关注其发展,组织有关单位配合政府部门做相应的工作。
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