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我们来告诉大家如何把Photoshop CS5中升级的“合并到HDRPro”命令用出品位。摄影领域很少有什么处理技巧能像高动态范围影像一样遭遇冰火两重天的待遇,有的人爱它,有的人恨它。今天我们将告诉大家如何避免色彩与影调失真、局部反差过大等HDR处理中的常见错误,得到更加精致的HDR调整结果。动态范围指的是相机能捕捉的最亮与最暗部分之间的光比。主流数码单反相机通常能记录光比在10到12挡之间,如果场景光比超过了相机的记录范围,拍摄一系列不同曝光值的照片,然后使用后期合成的方式扩展动态范围确实不失为一种好的解决办法。看一眼教程使用的范例文件,最亮一张照片前景 Let’s tell you how to merge the upgraded version of Photoshop CS5 into the HDRPro command. Few things to do in the field of photography can be treated like icebergs in high dynamic range, some people love it, others hate it. Today we will tell you how to avoid common mistakes in HDR processing, such as color and shadow distortion, local contrast, and get more exquisite HDR adjustment results. Dynamic range refers to the light ratio between the brightest and the darkest parts the camera can capture. Mainstream digital SLR cameras usually record light ratios between 10 and 12 gears. If the scene light ratio exceeds the camera’s recording range, taking a series of pictures of different exposure values ​​and then extending the dynamic range using post-synthesis is a Good solution. Take a look at the examples used in the tutorial document, the brightest photo prospect
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邢娟娟来自外省一个省级歌舞团,学民族唱法的。我们国家多年来培养了大批这样的歌手,而近年来这种歌手已经不怎么吃香了,因而邢娟娟的名字就不怎么为外人知晓。 Xing Juanju
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