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去年初,厂里遵照毛主席“抓革命,促生产,促工作,促战备”的伟大教导,派人到上海去参观学习轴承生产工艺,见到上海有的兄弟厂是使用烧柴油的加热炉来加热锻件的,烧油的加热炉有很多优点,如锻件的氧化层较薄,炉温升得快,炉温也容易控制,操作方便,车间整洁。但柴油是较难得到的,回厂后,又听说本市玻璃厂及有色金属轧延厂使用的是烧重油的加热炉,重油在我们广东来说是比较容易得到的,价钱也比柴油低得多,于是我们又组织了人员到这些厂学习。当时厂里正开展着群众性的压缩毛胚留量大会战,因为轴承钢是一种贵重的钢材,我们国家每年都要生产大量的轴承,钢材的需要量非常大,因此如每一套轴承的用料都能节省一点的话,意义就很重大。由于 Early last year, the factory follows Chairman Mao’s great teaching of “Grasping the Revolution, Propelling Production, Promoting Work and Promoting Battle Readiness” and sent people to Shanghai to visit and learn the bearing production process. Shanghai saw some brother factories using heating furnaces that burn diesel oil To heat forgings, oil-fired furnace has many advantages, such as forging oxide layer is thin, furnace temperature rise faster, the furnace temperature is also easy to control, easy to operate, the workshop clean. But diesel is more difficult to get back to the factory, I heard that the city glass and non-ferrous metal rolling plant is the use of heavy oil burning furnace, heavy oil in Guangdong we are relatively easy to get the price than diesel Much lower, so we organized personnel to study at these plants. At that time, the factory was carrying out the general assembly battle of compressive blank embryos, because bearing steel is a kind of expensive steel, and our country produces a large number of bearings every year. The demand for steel is very large. Therefore, The materials used to save a little, the significance is very big. due to
Postschizotherium chardini nov.gen.,nov.sp.,is the name createdin 1932 by Dr.von Koenigswald~1 for the curious animal described in 1930by Teilhard and Piveteau
本文研究了 4-叔丁基苯并-15-冠-5(t-BBC)和4-溴苯并-15-冠-5(BrBC)的硝基苯溶液对七个镧系元素的萃取(苦味酸根为伴随离子),其萃取分配比次序为CeTm>Yb>Lu;计算了平均分离因
DolmetscherpraxisinSerie(95):WichtigeParteieninDeutschland晓婕C:HerrWellner,Siewarensoliebenswurdig,michausfuhdichuberlhrLandun... DolmetscherpraxisinSerie (95): WichtigeParteieninDeutschland Xiao Jie C: HerrWellner, Siewarensoliebenswurdig, michausfuhdich
The first report of Triassic fossils from the province of Kwangsi wasdated in 1933 when H. C. Chang listed some Middle Triassic pelecypods collectedby J. L. Hs