
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:toponeforever
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危岩块体的失稳多表现为突发崩塌破坏,无明显位移特征,因此常规位移监测难以达到监测预警的目的,此外影响危岩块体稳定性重要参数之一的危岩块体与母岩粘结面积难以获得,导致危岩块体稳定性评价困难。本文以危岩块体为研究对象,假设危岩块体均质各向同性,主控结构面为单个平面,系统阻尼比小于1,在振幅范围内的变形为线弹性变形,则可将危岩块体振动模型简化为弹簧振子模型。通过理论推导建立了危岩块体固有振动频率、危岩块体与母岩粘结面积、弹性模量和危岩块体质量之间的关系,再结合极限平衡模型,建立了基于固有振动频率的危岩块体稳定性评价模型。以白河堡水库右岸的危岩块体为试验对象,利用无线振动传感器(微芯方),将采集到的数据采用傅里叶变换等数学方法得到危岩块体固有振动频率,再结合固有振动频率与危岩块体粘结面积、弹性模量、危岩块体质量之间的关系,计算出块体粘结面积,最后基于该模型完成危岩块体稳定性评价。试验验证了基于固有振动频率的危岩块体稳定性评价可行性,相比传统方法更加快捷、准确。 Most of the unstable rock masses show sudden collapse and failure with no obvious displacement characteristics, so conventional displacement monitoring is difficult to achieve the purpose of monitoring and early warning. In addition, one of the important parameters that affect the stability of the rock mass is the dangerous rock mass and the mother Rock bonding area is difficult to obtain, leading to the stability of rock block evaluation difficult. In this paper, the dangerous rock mass is taken as the research object. If the dangerous rock mass is homogeneous and isotropic, the main control surface is a single plane, the system damping ratio is less than 1, and the deformation in the amplitude range is linear elastic deformation, The rock mass vibration model is simplified as the spring oscillator model. The relationship between natural frequency of rock mass, bond area of ​​rock mass and rock mass, elastic modulus and mass of rock mass is established by theoretical derivation. Combined with limit equilibrium model, the relationship between natural vibration frequency Rock block stability assessment model. Taking the dangerous rock mass on the right bank of Baihepu Reservoir as the test object, the natural vibration frequency of the rock block was obtained by using the wireless vibration sensor (microcode) and the collected data by using the Fourier transform and other mathematical methods. Combined with the natural vibration Frequency and dangerous rock block bonding area, elastic modulus, the relationship between the mass of rock mass to calculate the block bonding area, and finally based on the model to complete the stability of rock block evaluation. The feasibility of the stability evaluation of rock block based on the natural frequency is verified by experiments, which is faster and more accurate than the traditional method.
摘要 中国民间美术历史悠久,博大深厚,灿烂多元,其中蕴涵民族的心理素质和精神素质,反映着质朴的审美观念。一方面与人们的衣食住行密切相关,涉及人们的心理、情感、思维方式、民族性格等诸多方面,从而形成一种具有普遍意义的民间审美文化;另一方面从基础性文化特征、设计思想、丰富寓意、纯真风格等诸多方面,丰富了平面设计的艺术语言和思想内涵。因此对民间美术的符号语言及其与平面设计的思维与创造的过从关系的研究讨论
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