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曲艺是人类创造的一种很重要的艺术文化形式,历史悠久,形式多种多样。特别是我们中国,曲艺文化更是源远流长,是世界文化中的瑰宝。在我国经济和文化都有较快发展的新时期,曲艺文化也有了新的突破,呈现出一片欣欣向荣的景象。但在世界纷繁复杂的经济和文化浪潮的冲击下,曲艺也面临着的新挑战。比如曲艺人才的匮乏和断层、创作表演受到限制、生存空间狭小、曲艺的经典作品匮乏、曲艺的创新度较低等等。加上保护“曲艺”这种民间非物质文化遗产的意识也逐渐增强,那么,对少年儿童开展曲艺教育,是迎合了这种时代潮流的。所以曲艺人才的培养和教育必须要从娃娃抓起,培养他们的曲艺素养,树立起他们对于曲艺的创新性意识,塑造成我国曲艺事业的优秀人才,具有极其重要的意义。 Quyi is a very important form of art and culture created by mankind. It has a long history and varied forms. In particular, we in China, Qu Yi culture is a long history, is a treasure in the world’s culture. In the new era of rapid economic and cultural development in our country, Quyi culture also made new breakthroughs and showed a thriving scene. However, under the impact of the complicated economic and cultural tide in the world, Quyi also faces new challenges. Such as the lack of talent and the genius of folk art, creative performance is limited, living space is small, the lack of classic works of art, folk art less innovative and so on. Coupled with the protection of “folk art” such a sense of folk intangible cultural heritage has also gradually increased, then, to carry out folk education of children and adolescents is to meet the trend of this era. Therefore, the cultivation and education of folk art talents must start from the children, cultivate their artistic accomplishments, establish their innovative awareness of the folk art, and mold the outstanding talents of the folk arts in our country. This is of great significance.
The temperature dependence of the specific refractive index increment d n /d c of aqueous poly( N isopropylacrylamide) solution in the range of 20 ℃
俗话说:“王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”,也就是说,卖瓜的决不会说瓜苦,做生意的决不会说自家商品差。然而,纵观当今商业舞台,不少精明的企业家和商品经营者却反其道而 As the sayin
近期,《楚乔传》在湖南卫视热映,近两年在荧屏出现频率甚高的赵丽颖再次担纲主角。2006年出道后,赵丽颖仿佛从未停下脚来歇一歇,平均以每年3到4部戏的速度展现出一名年轻演员的活力。对于她来说,骄傲的资本不是天生的好容貌和后天的专业培训,而是不断地努力前行。  圆脸不能红?  赵丽颖最近一次站上演讲的舞台,对自己的出生直言不讳:“我来自农村,农村的生活经历磨练了我坚韧的毅力、锻炼了我不怕吃苦的性格。正
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