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Ⅰ.我国农药生产、出口现状及展望 我国是一个农业大国,也是农药生产大国。全国现有约2000家农药厂,生产约250种农药原药,其中,年产量超过5000吨的品种有14个。现有农药制剂800余种,年产量达90万吨。目前,我国农药原药生产能力已近80万吨,产量达40万吨,居世界第二位。改革开放以来,我国农药的地位逐渐得以改变,国产农药开始走向世界。农药出口贸易迅速增长。1994年我国出口农药为6万吨,出口额为152亿美元,出口品种20~30个,首次出口大于进口。到1998年,我国出口农药达10.70万吨,出口额达3.2亿美元。已连续五年出口量及出口额均高于进口,并且年增长率均保持在两位数,出口品种多达100种左右。目前,出口地区遍及南北美洲、 I. Status and Prospects of China’s Pesticide Production and Export China is a big country in agriculture and a big producer of pesticides. There are about 2,000 pesticide plants in the country, producing about 250 pesticides, among which there are 14 varieties with an annual output exceeding 5,000 tons. There are more than 800 kinds of pesticide preparations, and the annual output reaches 900,000 tons. At present, the production capacity of pesticides in China is nearly 800,000 tons and the output is 400,000 tons, ranking second in the world. Since the reform and opening up, the status of pesticides in China has gradually changed, and domestic pesticides have begun to move toward the world. The export of pesticides has grown rapidly. In 1994, China exported 60,000 tons of pesticides, exports amounted to 15.2 billion U.S. dollars, and exports 20 to 30 varieties. The first export was greater than imports. By 1998, China’s export of pesticides reached 107,000 tons, and the export value reached US$320 million. Exports and exports have been higher than imports for five consecutive years, and annual growth rates have remained at double-digit levels, with as many as 100 varieties of exports. At present, the export area covers North and South America,
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