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和谐社会是指社会系统中社会主体各要素和社会子系统紧密联系、相互融洽的一种关系模式,是各种社会关系协调、稳定和有序的社会状态。构建和谐社会,关键在于一个体现公共性的政府用社会普遍认同的公平与正义原则分配社会利益资源和协调不同利益主体之间的利益矛盾和利益冲突。但人类的政治实践表明,政府自主性易侵蚀政府的公共性,从而破坏社会秩序的稳定与和谐,故此,在现代多元社会自由秩序的背景下,法治政府便成为公共政府在制度上的逻辑延伸。法治政府限制了政府的自主性,提升了政府的公共性,实现了政府本质的现实回归,为构建和谐社会提供了基本制度保障。中国欲构建和谐社会,首先必须打造法治政府。 A harmonious society refers to a kind of relationship mode in which all elements of social subjects and social sub-systems are in close contact and mutual harmony. It is a harmonious, stable and orderly social state of various social relations. The key to building a harmonious society lies in that a government embodying public nature allocates resources of social interest and coordinates conflicts of interest and conflicts of interests between different stakeholders by the principle of fairness and justice generally accepted by society. However, human political practice shows that government autonomy easily erodes the public nature of the government and thus undermines the stability and harmony of the social order. Therefore, in the context of the liberal order of modern pluralism, the government under the rule of law becomes the institutional logical extension of public government . The rule of law government limits the autonomy of the government, enhances the publicity of the government, realizes the real return of the government, and provides the basic system guarantee for the construction of a harmonious society. To build a harmonious society, China must first create a government ruled by law.
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对 2K V型行星传动机构进行了结构分析 ,明确了这种机构的结构特点和归类所属 ;对不同齿形的 2K V型传动进行了力分析和对比讨论 ,并论述了这种传动的特性 The structural a
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