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丹麦太空迷达纳斯·彼得·马德森和克里斯蒂安·梵·本格特森自制了一枚山寨版火箭,一时之间招来大量媒体和公众关注目光。可惜的是因保险丝熔断,他们第一次将火箭送入太空的尝试最后以失败告终。按照计划这枚9.14米长的火箭在波罗的海博恩荷姆岛附近的一艘驳船上发射。但这枚耗资3.5万英镑的山寨版火箭在发射时因保险丝熔断导致发射未能取得成功。不过马 Danish space fans Danas Peter Madsen and Christian Vatican Begsonsen made a cottage version of the rocket, suddenly attracted a large number of media and public attention. Unfortunately, the attempt to bring the rocket into space for the first time ended in failure as the fuses blown. The 9.14-meter-long rocket was scheduled to launch on a barge near the island of Bonn on the Baltic Sea. However, the 35,000-pound cottage version of the rocket failed to launch as a result of a blown fuse. But horse
Voluntary research organizations are becoming more significant forces in the study of ‘lights in the sky’ something unusual was happening on the quiet, clear
很多人都梦想着能够拥有自己的飞机,不过,飞机昂贵的价格并不是一般人能够承受的。好在现在有了一个非常便宜而简便的方法,可以帮助你在天空“翱翔”(图1)。 Many people ar
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两根小指勾在了一起,在天空下摇着。而我的初恋,慢慢变得轻飘起来,像气球似的走了,飞远了。 Two little fingers hooked together, shaking in the sky. And my first love
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2010年,世界载人航天活动发展平稳,美国进行了3次航天飞机发射,先后把欧洲的“宁静”号节点舱-3(Tranquility Node 3)、“瞭望塔”号观测舱(Cupola)、“欧洲机械臂”(ERA)和
登月——路漫漫其修远兮    登月计划四步走  按照规划,我国对月球的探索分为四步。  第一步是“绕”,也就是“嫦娥一号”绕月工程经过一年多的绕月飞行。获取月球表面三维影像、分析月球表面有关物质元素的分布特点、探测地月空间环境等。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PD