情系花灯 滇中道上,矗立着一座天下闻名的红塔山,更盛开着漫山遍野的红山茶。 其中一朵花香四溢,楚楚动人。它就是风韵天成、声名远播的云南玉溪花灯戏。它裹挟着泥土的芬芳,昂首云岭之外,带着浓浓的乡情,向世人诉说世界上发生的一切,既久远又现代,既质朴又奇幻,乃至用彝人的乡恋,传莎士比亚的魂魄。 它有一串光采的名字:《军营小院》、《情与爱》、《金银花、竹篱笆》、《卓梅与阿罗》……
Love Lantern Department Road, stands a world famous Hongtashan, but also filled with mountains and plains of Hongshan tea. One of the flowers overflowing, lovely. It is the charm Tiancheng, the famous Yunnan Yuxi lantern show. It entangled the fragrance of the soil, the top Yunling outside, with a thick nostalgia, to tell the world what happened in the world, both long and modern, both simple and fantasy, and even with the Yi’s romance, pass Shakespeare’s Soul. It has a sumptuous name: “barracks”, “love and love”, “honeysuckle, bamboo fence”, “Zhuo Mei and Arrow” ......