
来源 :生物学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wston
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随着教育教学改革的不断深化,四块教育已成为中等师范学校办学的重要模式。本文就如何组织生物摄影小组,加强生物必修课教学这一方面作一叙述。 一.构想的形成 生物学是一门以实验为基础的自然学科,许多理论知识都依赖于大量的观察实验,尤其是动、植物的形态结构部分。有些内容虽运用挂图、模型、标本,提高了教学的效果,但仍感美中有不足之处:挂图、模型、标本是人工制作的,没有真切感;标本因数量的限制,特别是一些较小的标本,放在讲台上并不能使每个同学都能仔细地观察清楚。为此我在不断探索,试图找到一种新的方法,弥补挂图、模型、标本的不足,使生物学教学更形象、更直观,从而促进生物必修课的教学。经过几年的探索和实践,生物摄影小组在生物必修课的教学中确起到了意想不到的辅助效果。 二.队伍的创建 首先面临的是相机缺乏的困难,其次是购买胶卷、相纸等的资金,再次是暗房和黑白片冲印放的设备问题。经过周密的考虑,我决定要走出一条新路。 With the continuous deepening of education and teaching reform, four education has become an important model for secondary normal schools. This article gives a description of how to organize a biological photography team and strengthen the teaching of biology required courses. I. Formation of Conception Biology is a natural science based on experiments. Many theoretical knowledge depend on a large number of observation experiments, especially the morphological structure of animals and plants. Although some of the contents use wall charts, models, and specimens to improve the effectiveness of teaching, they still have deficiencies in the United States and the United States: wall charts, models, and specimens are artificially created; there is no real sense; specimens are limited by the number, especially some Small specimens placed on the podium do not allow every student to observe them carefully. For this reason, I am constantly exploring and trying to find a new method to make up for the lack of wall charts, models, and specimens, so that biology teaching is more visual and intuitive, thus promoting the teaching of biology required courses. After several years of exploration and practice, the biophotographing team has played an unexpected auxiliary effect in the teaching of biological compulsory courses. Second, the creation of the team First of all is the lack of camera difficulties, followed by the purchase of film, photo paper and other funds, is again the darkroom and black and white film printing equipment problems. After careful consideration, I decided to come up with a new path.
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