完善自我 走出低谷——对当前企业思想政治工作现状的调查与分析

来源 :机电兵器政工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yu964230
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党中央一再强调,改革开放越深入,越要加强思想政治工作。准确掌握企业思想政治工作的现状,对于有效地加强和改进思想政治工作,有着重要的意义。最近,我们在所属几家企业的921人中,对企业思想政治工作的现状,进行了问卷和座谈相结合的调查。调查显示,有24.76%的职工认为企业思想政治工作加强了,29.62%的职工认为还过得去,45.62%的职工认为淡化和削弱了。被调查者普遍反映,当前企业思想政治工作存在的主要问题是:政工队伍不稳定,潜伏着断层危机;政工人员素质偏低,多面手 The party Central Committee has repeatedly emphasized that the more in-depth reform and opening up, the more it is necessary to strengthen ideological and political work. Accurately grasping the status quo of ideological and political work in enterprises is of great significance to effectively strengthening and improving ideological and political work. Recently, we conducted a survey on the status quo of ideological and political work in enterprises among 921 people in several enterprises under the supervision of a combination of questionnaires and seminars. Survey shows that 24.76% of workers think that the ideological and political work of enterprises strengthened, 29.62% of employees think that decent, 45.62% of workers think that diluted and weakened. The respondents generally reflected that the major problems existing in the ideological and political work of the current enterprises are: the political and labor contingent is in a situation of instability and latent crisis of faults; the quality of politicians is low and the generalists
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我作为经理回过头来看这几年的发展,很重要的一条就是发挥了党组织的政治核心作用。感触最深的是“依靠”和“支特”。 第一:党委是行政工作的依靠 党政关系处理得好环,直接
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
小红伞、小绿伞、小黄伞和小黑伞聚在一起,谈论自己的影子。  小红伞说:“我的影子一定是红红的。”  小绿伞说:“我的影子一定是绿绿的。”  小黄伞说:“我的影子一定是黄黄的。”  小黑伞说:“我的影子一定是黑黑的。”  太阳出来了,伞儿们的影子映在地上,圆圆的,阴凉凉的。  小红伞一看,愣住了;小绿伞一看,愣住了;小黄伞一看,愣住了;小黑伞一看,笑嘻嘻的……  小朋友,他们只有一个说对了,那是谁呢