针对有些地方在村民自治中出现的村级党组织与村委会关系不协调的问题,现在已经有不少地方开始尝试村支书和村主任由一人兼任的“一肩挑”的办法,认为这不仅可以很好地解决村级党组织与村委会之间的关系,同时也能减少村干部的数量,减轻农民负担。如 2000年某县村委会换届
In view of the uncoordinated relations between village-level party organizations and village committees that emerged in some areas during the autonomy of villagers, quite a few places have begun to try the “one shoulder and one shoulder pick” It not only can well solve the relationship between village-level party organizations and village committees, but also can reduce the number of village cadres and reduce the burden on peasants. As in 2000 a county village committee