Study of oxidic and sulfded selective hydrodesulfurization catalysts for gasoline using Raman spectr

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxz22
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A series of CoMo/Al2O3 catalysts for selective hydrodesulfurization(HDS)of gasoline were studied with Raman spectroscopy,a powerful method that creates specifc signals for the states and the distributions of oxidic precursors and sulfded active phases.The higher the Mo and Co,the lower the tetrahedrally coordinated molybdate,and the higher the polymolybdate.But the amount of polymolybdate decreased when CoMoO4appeared.Cobalt-promoted polymolybdate was the precursor,and its relative content correlated well with the HDS selectivity.For sulfded catalysts,adding the cobalt-promoter led to local distortion-disorder of the MoS2structure and the formation of a CoMoS phase.This method can provide important information for designing new industrial selective-HDS catalysts. A series of CoMo / Al2O3 catalysts for selective hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of gasoline were studied with Raman spectroscopy, a powerful method that creates specifc signals for the states and the distributions of oxidic precursors and sulfided active phases. Higher the Mo and Co, the lower the tetrahedrally coordinated molybdate, and the higher the polymolybdate.But the amount of polymolybdate decreased when CoMoO4appeared. Cobalt-promoted polymolybdate was the precursor, and its relative content correlated well with the HDS selectivity. For the sulfided catalysts, adding the cobalt-promoter led to local distortion-of-the-MoS2 structure and the formation of a CoMoS phase. this method can provide important information for designing new industrial selective-HDS catalysts.
后 河自 然保 护 区位 于 湖 北 省五 峰 土家 族 自 治 县 中 南部 ,总面 积 409平 方公 里 ,始 建 于 1984年 。 2000年 10月 ,天 保 工程 正式 实施 ,在 各级 党 委、政