
来源 :民族教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfzxl
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民族文化宣传教育是民族工作的一项重要内容,是民族教育中不容忽视的重要形式,是民族文化教育的重要手段和途径。民族文化宣传教育在北京市世界城市建设中具有弘扬民族文化、打造民族品牌、协调民族关系、维护民族团结、构建和谐宜居城市、整合社会精神资源、提升城市文化软实力的重要地位和作用。北京市在世界城市建设中,应努力建立民族文化宣传教育工作机制、加强宣传教育队伍建设、整合宣传教育工作合力、加大民族文化宣传教育力度、建立宣传教育新媒体新平台、创新宣传教育形式,努力推进北京市世界城市的建设。 The propaganda and education of ethnic culture is an important content of ethnic work, an important form that can not be ignored in national education and an important means and means of education for ethnic cultures. The propaganda and education of national culture has the important position and function of promoting national culture, building national brands, coordinating ethnic relations, safeguarding national unity, building a harmonious and livable city, integrating social spiritual resources and enhancing urban cultural soft power in the construction of world cities in Beijing. In the construction of the world’s cities, Beijing should strive to establish a working mechanism for publicity and education on ethnic culture, step up its efforts in propaganda and education, integrate the efforts in publicity and education, intensify publicity and education on ethnic culture, establish a new platform for propaganda and education, and innovate forms of publicity and education , And strive to promote Beijing’s world city construction.
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