紧源新燕莎MALL运作经验的启示 130万客流量是怎么来的?

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SHOPPING MALL从国内没有这个词到现在出现MALL狂潮,仅仅用了几年的时间。可以看出,中国市场对SHOPPING MALL的需求是巨大的,很少有一个产业在几年内产生非常庞大的产业链。SHOPPING MALL在未来中国现代商务流通业里地位应该越来越高。以前从事的商业都是专业市场、临街店铺、主题商场,而在SHOPPING MALL出现后,上世纪九十年代产生的超级市场、连锁超市、传统百货店等这些业态单独生存的比例有所下降。传统的商业由于硬件上有很多问题,在经营上很难做到有序、可持续发展以及人性化,所以大型购物中心或者新型商业街等模式可能会占主导地位。2004年10月24日,北京第一家MALL———金源新燕莎MALL正式开业。这个一期营业面积超过33万平方米、被称为“中国第一个真正意义上SHOPPING MALL”的金源新燕莎MALL,自开业后,客流量已达到颇为喜人的130万人次,业界各方对其经营管理及其经营MALL要注意的问题甚是关注。毕竟,国际经验显示,打造一个商业巨无霸型的SHOPPINGMALL并不是一件容易的事儿,为了给后来者一些理性的借鉴,本刊在2004年底举办的易铺网商业地产年会上,请北京金源新燕莎MALL总顾问万文英女士对金源新燕莎MALL进行了全方位解读。 SHOPPING MALL from the country did not have this word MALL frenzy now, only took a few years time. It can be seen that the demand for the SHOPPING MALL in the Chinese market is huge. Few industries have a very large industry chain within a few years. SHOPPING MALL in the future position of China’s modern business circulation should be higher and higher. Previously engaged in the business are professional market, street shops, themed shopping malls, and in the SHOPPING MALL appeared, the 1990s produced supermarkets, supermarket chains, traditional department stores and other forms of survival of the proportion of those living alone declined. Traditional businesses are difficult to be orderly, sustainable and user-friendly because of hardware problems, so shopping malls or new commercial streets may take the dominant position. October 24, 2004, Beijing’s first MALL --- Jinyuan new Lufthansa MALL officially opened. The first phase of the business area of ​​more than 330,000 square meters, known as “China’s first real SHOPPING MALL” Jinyuan new Lufthansa MALL, since opening, the traffic has reached quite satisfactory 1.3 million passengers, the industry Every party is concerned about the problems of its management and operation of the MALL. After all, the international experience shows that to create a business giant SHOPPINGMALL is not an easy thing, in order to give some rational reference for the later, the magazine held at the end of 2004, easy to shop commercial real estate annual meeting, please Ms. Wan Wenying, general manager of Beijing Jinyuan New Lufthansa MALL, conducted a comprehensive interpretation of Jinyuan New Lufthansa MALL.
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