Effect of in-situ nanoparticles on the mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement of high-stre

来源 :矿物冶金与材料学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcjzy
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We investigated the critical influence of in-situ nanoparticles on the mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of high-strength steel. The results reveal that the mechanical strength and elongation of quenched and tempered steel (919 MPa yield strength, 17.11% elongation) are greater than those of hot-rolled steel (690 MPa yield strength, 16.81% elongation) due to the strengthening effect of in-situ Ti3O5–Nb(C,N) nanoparticles. In addition, the HE susceptibility is substantially mitigated to 55.52%, approximately 30% lower than that of steels without in-situ nanoparticles (84.04%), which we attribute to the heterogeneous nucleation of the Ti3O5 nanoparticles increasing the density of the carbides. Compared with hard TiN inclusions, the spherical and soft Al2O3–MnS core–shell inclusions that nucleate on in-situ Al2O3 particles could also suppress HE. In-situ nanoparticles generated by the regional trace-element supply have strong potential for the de-velopment of high-strength and hydrogen-resistant steels.
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