
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jc422177405
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水泥企业,尤其是一些小型水泥企业,是放射事故的高发单位。放射源被盗、丢失等责任事故屡有报道。一旦发生事故,卫生、公安等部门需投入大量人力物力侦破查找,并可造成很大经济损失和不良社会影响。因此,如何加强这类小型密封放射源的卫生防护,一直是我们卫生执法工作者面临的一项重要课题。1996年以来,我们曾及时清除了两起水泥企业放射事故隐患。现予以分析报道,并对防范对策进行探讨。一、两起事故隐患案例简介1.1996年12月30日上午8点半,我市某水泥厂报告,放射源发生故障,请求协助检修。经检测:放射源罐放在该厂材料仓库内已近1天 Cement enterprises, especially some small-scale cement enterprises, are the high-incidence units of radiation accidents. Radioactive sources have been stolen, lost and other liability incidents have been reported. In the event of an accident, health, public security and other departments need to invest a lot of manpower and resources to detect and find, and can cause great economic losses and adverse social impact. Therefore, how to strengthen the sanitation protection of such small sealed radioactive sources has always been an important issue for our health law enforcement workers. Since 1996, we have promptly cleared the hidden dangers of radiation accidents in two cement enterprises. Now be analyzed and reported, and preventive measures to be explored. One or two cases of accidental hidden case Brief introduction 1. December 30, 1996 at 8:30 am, a cement plant in our city reported that the radioactive sources have failed, requesting assistance to overhaul. After testing: radioactive source tank on the plant material warehouse for nearly 1 day
A typical hot concentrated alkaline corrosion environment exists in alumina metallurgical industry, so that steel materials with outstanding alkaline corrosion
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1. Lost Foam Casting Committee of Foundry Institu- tion of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) From the beginning of the 1990s, China entered a rese