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采用国际标准是我国一项重要技术政策。从1975年国家明确提出这一方针以来,我国标准化工作已取得了很大的进展,特别是近年来,国家对这一工作很重视。机械部在1982年明确提出我国机械工业中的主要产品,1985年前都要达到国际标准。为了实现这一目标,1983年6月9日在广西柳州召开了“电控设备及辅件行业采用国际标准厂长会议”。参加会议的有柳州市经委、柳州市重工业局以及来自全国各地的八个市电器公司、三十四个电控设备制造厂、十九个辅件制造厂、八个研究所和设计院等共七十一个单位的130名代表。电控设备及辅件行业的标准归口由天津电传所负责。会上该所就电控设备及辅件行业如何采用国际标准谈了初步打算和意见,介绍了电控设备及辅件行业“六五”及 The adoption of international standards is an important technology policy in China. Since the country clearly put forward this guideline in 1975, great progress has been made in China’s standardization work. In particular, in recent years, the state has attached great importance to this work. In 1982, the Ministry of Machinery clearly put forward the main products in China’s machinery industry. Before 1985, it must meet international standards. In order to achieve this goal, on June 9, 1983, Liuzhou, Guangxi Province, held the “Meeting of the International Standard Plant Managers Meeting on Electronic Control Equipment and Accessories Industry”. Liuzhou Economic Commission, Liuzhou Heavy Industry Bureau, and eight city electrical companies, thirty-four electronic control equipment factories, nineteen auxiliary manufacturing plants, eight research institutes, and design institutes attended the conference. Seventy-one units of 130 representatives. The standard of the electronic control equipment and accessories industry is under the charge of Tianjin Telecommunications. At the meeting, the Institute discussed the preliminary plans and opinions on the use of international standards in the electronic control equipment and accessories industry, and introduced the “6th Five-Year Plan” and the “electronic control equipment and accessories industry”.
【英国《国际核工程》1982年12期第10页报道】美国国会预算局(CBO)已经批准了由核电力公司的用户出钱支付国内高放废物处置费的建议。但是CBO断定,即使 [British Internati
【西德《原子经济》1982年第11期第553页报道】根据1980年签署的意大利-印尼和平利用核能合作协定,1982年7月中,意大利核能委员会、ENEA 以及 NIRA公司和印尼原子能委员会签
【西德《原子经济》1982年第10期第496页报道】西德电站联盟(KWU)1981年与日本日立、东芝、富士三家公司签订了核合作协定,并商定就 KWU 压水堆是否适合日本电力经济的可行
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