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协作进行科学研究,是马克思主义倡导的科学方法之一。马克思说:“一切科学工作,一切发现,一切发明。这种劳动部分地以今人的协作为条件,部分地又以对前人劳动的利用为条件。”(《马克思、恩格斯全集》第25卷,第120页。)随着现代科学的发展,各门学科知识、方法的相互渗透、相互移植,客观上要求各门学科的科研人员开展协作,协作起来搞科学研究,将对科学的迅速发展起着极为重要的作用。一、协作能集中优势、发挥专长、少走弯路、避免科学研究的重复性科学研究的重大课题选定以后,在搜集资料、整理数据、设计实验等等这一系列过程中,疏忽协作这一重要条件,往往就会延误科研成果的完成,造成别人研究过(实验过)的东西,我们还在摸索,走别人走过的路,出现一些不必要的重复,甚至跟着别人的屁股后面跑,不可能加快科学研究的速度。要想加快科学研究的速度,必须协作起来,吸取他人之长,在现有科技水平基础上创新发展,也就是说,在协作中吸取他人或它学科的相关因素,进行综合创造、促进我们科学技术的迅速发展。例如,半导体工业方面, Collaborative scientific research is one of the scientific methods advocated by Marxism. Marx said: “All scientific work, discovering everything and inventing all this work is conditional, in part, on the collaboration of present-day people and partly on the utilization of the work of former generations.” (The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, No. 25 Volume 120, p. 120) With the development of modern science, the mutual penetration and mutual transplantation of knowledge and methods in various disciplines objectively require scientific researchers in various disciplines to collaborate and collaborate on scientific research, Development plays a very important role. First, the collaboration can focus on strengths, give play to expertise, less detours, to avoid duplication of scientific research After the selection of major topics in collecting data, sorting data, design experiments, etc. This series of processes, negligence cooperation Important conditions often will delay the completion of scientific research, causing others to study (experimental) things, we are still groping, take the road traveled by others, there are some unnecessary duplication, or even followed by the buttocks run behind others, It is impossible to speed up the pace of scientific research. To speed up the pace of scientific research, we must work together to learn from others and innovate on the basis of existing science and technology. In other words, we should learn from others or relevant disciplines in our collaboration to create comprehensively and promote our science The rapid development of technology. For example, in the semiconductor industry,
“丁零零……” 昆虫公用电话亭的铃声响了,看管电话的蝉大妈拿起听筒放在腹部,是找蟋蟀的电话她叫来蟋蟀,只见蟋蟀把听筒放在前脚的小腿上,打起电话来,蟋蟀打完电话,蝉大妈
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勤奋像把火炬,能燃起智慧的火焰。勤奋更像是一把钥匙,一把由泪水、汗水、血水凝成的钥匙。如果没有它,你将被成功永拒门外; Diligent like the torch, can ignite the flam