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(一)关于机关名称一、省厅所属的局,一律称「山西省××厅××局」。二、省厅、局、委员会所属的企业、事业机关的名称,中央主管部有规定者,照部的规定;部无规定、并曾经请示部批覆不拟规定者,由厅、局、委员会将所属机关名称提山意见,报由省人民委员会批准。三、各专署所属的室、科、处、局、委员会衔上一律加冠「山西省××专员公署」,如「山西省长治专员公署公安处」,「山西省忻县专员公署农林局」。四、设区的市人民委员会的办公厅(室)、各办公室、人事局和直属科、处的名称,均冠以「山西省××市人民委员会」,如「山西省大同市人民委员会人事局」,「山西省阳泉市人民委员会卫生科」,其余各局、委员会衔上只加「××市」,不冠「山西省」和「人民委员会」,如「大同市财政局」。 (A) about the name of the organ A, the ministry’s offices, all said “Shanxi Province × × Office ×× Bureau.” (2) Where the ministries and commissions, the bureaus and the committees belong, the names of the enterprises and institutions under their jurisdiction and the provisions of the Central Competent Authority which have the provisions and provisions of the Ministry of Photography; and the ministries and commissions that have not provided for the provisions, The opinion of the name of the subordinate organ is submitted to the Provincial People’s Committee for approval. Thirdly, the departments, branches, bureaus and commissions of each agency belong to the “XX Office of Shanxi Province”, such as the “Public Security Department of Shanxi Changzhi Commission” and the “Agriculture and Forestry Bureau of Shanxi Xinxian County Commission”. 4. The names of the offices (offices), offices, personnel bureau and departments directly under the municipal people’s committees in the districts are all crowned with the title of “People’s Committees of XX County of Shanxi Province”, such as “Personnel of Datong People’s Committee of Shanxi Province Bureau of Health of People’s Committee of Yangquan City, Shanxi Province ”. The rest of the boards and committees only include“ XX City ”,“ Shan Xi Province ”and“ People’s Committees ”such as“ Datong Finance Bureau. ”
In order to understand this disparity between human use and drugs approved by regulatory agencies,we analyzed botanical drug clinical trials registered at Clini