An Analysis of Maternal Love’s Influence on Children in The Woman Warrior

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  Abstract:The Woman Warrior is a one of the representatives of Maxine Hong Kingston.The novel integrates Kingston’s living experiences with a series of stories that combined Chinese history,myth,and beliefs told by her mother.This paper will make an analysis on the influences of maternal love on children and connect it with the character,the mother Sweetness,in God Help the Child.
  Key words:The Woman warrior;influence;maternal love
  I. Brave’s Influence on her Daughter in The Woman Warrior
  “Shaman” relates the story of Brave Orchid’s extraordinary medical career as a midwife in China.After giving birth to two children in China,Brave Orchid takes the unusual step of attending medical school,after which she works as a doctor in her home village and becomes a very successful healer.Eventually,she gives up her career to join her husband in America.However,unable to practice medicine in America,she and her husband open a laundry business.In The Woman Warrior,the mother Brave Orchid was the first generation of Chinese immigrants,and she was deeply influenced by Chinese traditional culture and concepts.In order to establish herself in the American society,she had to try to learn the local language and adapt herself to their customs.She struggled very hard,and said that“I can’t stop working,I hurt.My head,my back,my legs hurt.I get dizzy.I can’t stop.” As a traditional Chinese woman,the traditional culture was deep-rooted in her heart.She also use traditional Chinese culture to educate her daughter.For example,she told her adolescent daughter the story of “No Name Woman” to warn her daughter to keep virginity and behave herself.She accompanied her children to grow up and tried to help them to build up values and behavior codes which she believed right.In the spiritual aspects,she spared no efforts to enrich the spiritual world of her daughter by telling her various kinds of stories of ghosts including her experiences of catching a ghost during her studying medicine.However,the values she conveyed had not get her daughter’s consent.Instead,it brought her great distress and resistance.She imagined that she could be trained to become a warrior like Fa Mu Lan from the time she is seven years old,then leads an army of man against the forces of a corrupt baron and emperor.Brave Orchid is as brave as her name.As a student,without fear of the ghost,she can stay in a room which is full of so called ghosts.In America,faced with racial discrimination,she made a living by herself and worked as hard as a man to feed her family.Brave Orchid is also very industrious.In the To Keung School of Midwifery,although she was not the cleverest student,she studied hard and spent much time on her study and finally became a top student admired by all the students.   II.Sweetness’s Influence on her Daughter in God Help the Child
  In God Help the Child,the daughter,Bride,was abandoned by her father since she was born and was neglected and abused by her mother.Her light skinned parents were shamed of her.When she was born,her mother Sweetness thought that“She was black she scared me.”Her father treated his daughter like she was a stranger,“more than that,an enemy”.He never touched her.Therefore Bride grew up in a single-parent family.Her mother Sweetness raised her in an extremely strict way,“Very careful in how I raised her.I had to be strict,very strict.Lula Ann needed to learn how to behave,how to keep her head down and not to make trouble.” Bride has received a lot of physical punishments during her childhood from her mother.Her childhood is filled with neglect and violence.Her mother was not bad,but she may have done some hurtful things to her child because she had to protect her.What Sweetness did to her daughter had left a great influence on the childhood of the daughter.
  As a crucial family member,the character of mother has a significant influence on the growth of the children.As a traditional Chinese woman,Brave Orchid represents the image of selfless and dedicatory mothers.She accompanied her children to grow up and tried to help them to build up values and behavior codes which she believed right.In the spiritual aspects,she spared no efforts to enrich the spiritual world of her daughter by telling her various stories of ghosts including her experiences of catching a ghost during studying medicine.However,Sweetness’ ignorance and neglect to Bride has left a big shadow on the growth of her whole life.
  This two novel present us with two different images of mothers.From their performances in taking motherhood responsibility,we can see that what mothers do plays an extremely significant role in the growth of their children.Rich maternal love could help children establish healthy and powerful characteristics.Nevertheless,the lack of maternal love may destroy a child,and push the child into deep loneliness and depression.
  楊春."《女勇士》:从花木兰的“报仇”到蔡琰的歌唱." 外国文学研究,3(2004):74-79.
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摘 要:我国的传媒事业在这几年中发展迅速,越来越成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。而电视传媒中的主体部分—播音主持在很大程度上决定着电视传媒特色以及是否能够将一些社会信息成功的传播出去。在当今这个信息大爆炸的时代,我们必须全面了解播音主持艺术的要素,把握要点,才能让电视传媒的作用发挥到最大。本文就对播音主持的艺术要素进行分析,对它的社会价值等进行概括,使读者充分了解电视播音主持。  关键词:电视传媒
摘 要:本文从比较文学角度入手,将阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡塞尼的作品《群山回唱》的主题与弥尔顿《复乐园》相比较,在主题学的视角下进行分析。认为《群山回唱》主题复杂多重,涉及人性、家庭、伦理、博爱等多个母题,很多角度都可以探讨挖掘。本文以《群山回唱》和《复乐园》为例,浅谈《群山回唱》中更具有代表性和深刻性的“复乐园”主题  关键词:主题说;人性缺陷;复乐园  一、《群山回唱》的“复乐园”主题  母题作为
摘 要:决定戏剧表演好坏的因素有很多,既要有精湛的表演技术,又要具备较强的艺术观赏性,使之完美结合。在整个戏剧表演过程中,形体语言对于戏剧表演的顺利开展起着画龙点睛的作用,它不仅体现在一动一静本身,而且对于作品情感的表达具有关键作用。随着戏剧表演艺术的不断发展,舞台呈现的戏剧效果在很大程度上需要依托形体语言进行情感拔高,最终打动观众。本文将主要通过对形体语言具备的表演特性进行分析,阐述形体语言对戏
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摘 要:随着时代的发展,生活水平的提高,人们的审美能力、创造能力和服饰要求已经发生了深刻的变化,表现美、拥有美和享受美已成为当今时尚。就服装而言,仅面料本身具有的形势特点已难以表达人们对服饰美的要求,所以就形成了褶皱在服装设计中的无处不在,他可以应用在细节处,也可以覆满整个服装。褶皱在服装上的应用使服装的造型语言得到了极大的丰富,使点线面在服装上的表现形式得到了进一步的扩展。使服装与人体体型以及运