
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saarelff
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对外开放是加速我国社会主义现代化建设的极其重要的政策。只有开放才能吸取世界各国的先进经验,使我国的建设少走弯路。开放需要大量的建设人才,尤其是英语人才。 英语课是中等教育的基础学科。按照教学大纲要求,中学毕业生英语应达到:“能读出和拼写2,200个左右单词和一定数量的惯用词组,知道基本意思,并能口笔头使用其中最常用的部分(约占总数的60%)。掌握基本语法,具有分析句子的能力。能通过句子的分析,特别是对复杂句子的分析,正确理解句子的含义。能连贯清楚地朗读课文,语音、语 Opening up to the outside world is an extremely important policy for accelerating China’s socialist modernization. Only by opening up can we draw on the advanced experience of all countries in the world and make our country’s construction less detours. Opening up requires a lot of construction talent, especially English talent. English classes are the basic subjects of secondary education. According to the requirements of the syllabus, the English for secondary school graduates should achieve the following: “Can read and spell 2,200 words and a certain number of regular phrases, know basic meanings, and can use the most commonly used parts (about 60% of the total). The basic grammar is mastered, and it has the ability to analyze sentences. Through the analysis of sentences, especially the analysis of complex sentences, the meaning of the sentences can be correctly understood. Texts, speeches, and words can be read clearly and coherently.
本文就英语水平不高、词汇量不大(约3000左右),又无合适快读教材的英语学习者,欲迅速提高阅读速度的问题,进行讨论。 In this article, English learners whose English lev
下面是众wis Carroll谈怎样读书的两段文字。深入浅出,言简愈孩,值得借鉴。Ⅰ What I rnean is intensity thought一a concentfated attenrtion.We lose half the Pleasure
二年多来,灵壁一中在加强英语教学的同时,开展英语第二课堂活动.初中部教师除了教唱字母、单词、句型和语法的简单歌曲外,还排演若干 In the past two years or more, Lingb
1.ache,pain,hurt,smart 的动词基本词意及用法练习:①My grandpa says he often__all over. 我爷爷说他经常浑身疼。答案:aches.说明:一般说来,浑身疼”常指“隐隐约约地疼