The Influence of China’s Fertility Policy Adjustment on China’s Economic Growth

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  Abstract:On the basis of retrieving the literature and research results of population dividend problem in China from 2001 to 2017,How to adjust the fertility policy to influence the economic growth through the demographic dividend.Sort out the impact of fertility policy adjustment on the demographic dividend and the relationship between population dividends and economic growth and its economic development.
  Key Words:Fertility policy adjustment;population dividend;economic growth
  1 introduction
  Statistics show that China’s total fertility rate has continued to decline,from 5.81 in the early 1970s to about 1.8 in the mid-to-late period of the 1990s (Yan Ping et al.,2003),and then to the fifth census in 2000.1.22,while the data for the sixth census in 2010 fell even further to a staggering 1.18,indicating that China has entered a stage of severe degeneracy.Against this backdrop,in order to meet the challenges of persistently low fertility and the aging of the population,the Chinese government began to fully release the birth of two children after the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee.How does the current government relax the family planning policy’s impact on economic growth through the demographic dividend?
  2 The influence of the adjustment of birth policy on the demographic dividend
  Scholars are divided into two groups.One school believes that it is impossible to influence the demographic dividend through adjusting the birth control policy.One school believes that it is necessary to adjust the childbirth policy to prolong the demographic dividend.The former said that Whether the demographic dividend disappears or whether the aging society has arrived is not transferred by whether or not to adjust the childbearing policy.Looking at the world,the rest is completed.The population transfer countries did not implement family planning policies.Huang Mao Chunmei and Li Meicun (2016) agree that the implementation of the two-child policy can extend the first demographic dividend by providing labor force population and provide a good opportunity for the second demographic dividend.Liu Jiaqiang and Tang Daisheng (2015) thought that the gradual release of the family planning policy was in line with China’s current population development reality.The “comprehensive two-child” policy was fully consistent with the logic of population policy development and could extend the harvest of demographic dividends.A comprehensive two-child policy is the key to solving this problem.Ren Yuan (2017) suggested reforming “family planning” and exploring “new family planning”,“acquiring demographic dividends” and developing and creating “new demographic dividends”.   3 Conditions for demographic dividends to promote economic growth
  The population opportunity window does not mean demographic dividends.The population age structure with a large proportion of the labor force with a strong advantage does not mean that it can directly generate demographic dividends to promote economic growth.It is conditional that the demographic dividend should work.There are three major conditions.The first is also the premise that the labor resources must be fully utilized.The second condition is the requirement of the system.The labor must be allowed to move freely and it can be well transferred from the countryside.Wang Feng (2006) believes that large-scale labor flow from rural areas to cities,cities,and rural areas has contributed to economic growth.The third condition is also the direction of future sustainable development.It is to improve the quality of the workforce.Zhao Yuqi et al.(2012) based on data from 285 prefecture-level cities from 2001 to 2010 show that increasing investment in education can increase human capital and increase per capita output.
  [1]David E.Bloom,David Canning,and Jaypee Sevilla.The Demographic Dividend:A New Perspective on the Economic Consequences of Population Change,2002.
  [2]Mason,Andrew.Demographic dividends:the past,the present,and the future.Population Change,Labor markets and Sustainable Growth:Towards a New Economic Paradigm,2007.
摘 要:小学阶段是培养学生阅读兴趣的关键时期,有效地开展课外阅读活动,提高农村小学生的阅读水平,是一件非常重要和紧迫的教育任务,值得引起家庭、学校和社会各界的关注和重视。本文主要浅述课外阅读兴趣培养策略与方法。  关键词:兴趣;氛围;指导;活动  课外阅读在语文教学中占有相当大的比重,积极开展课外阅读,是提高学生语文素养、增强语言积累、拓展阅读知识、提高读书能力的重要途径,它可为学生今后的学习、生
摘 要:意境是语文中很重要的一个因素,在阅读方面,学生需要特定的意境来进行阅读,而在作者寫作的时候,也需要创造独特的意境。在高中语文教学当中,融入我们的意境教学是有助于学生阅读能力提升的方法,所以本文将具体阐述在阅读教学中如何另辟蹊径。  关键词:高中语文;意境;阅读;教学手段  语文是中国人最应该学习的科目,它是以我们的母语为基础的一门学科,所以在语言上我们就能够有基础。高中的阅读是占比分很大一
摘 要:班主任在学生尤其是小学生的学习和成长中占有突出的地位。班主任的一言一行,对于模仿能力异常强大的小学生来说,有着重要的引导作用。如何做一名合格的班主任,在促进学生的身心健康发展,帮助学生建立正确的人生观和价值观的同时,班主任也能从中受益,教学水平和教学理念得到提升,是一件值得思考的事情。本文旨在对如何做一名合格的小学班主任,围绕着班主任的管理和奉献精神进行研究和探讨,以通过班主任的努力,促进
摘 要:当前我国高校班级建设存在诸多问题,班级管理的效率与成果受到很大影响。在新时期加强和改进班级建设,需要从系统组织理论的视角出发,科学系统的分析班级组织的构成要素及所受的影响。本文旨在探索巴纳德系统组织理论在高校学生工作领域的运用,对眉山职业技术学院高校班级管理提出新的思路和路径。  关键词:高校班级建设;系统组织理论  大学班级是学生学习活动和思想交流所依赖的集体,也是大学生思想政治教育的平
摘 要:语言魅力是教师注重语言艺术,构建立体课堂的重要要素。尤其是对于语文教师而言,其更需要掌握多种课堂语言的运用技巧,从而在最大限度上激发学生对语文的学习动力,使其可以在语文学习过程中充分发挥其课堂主人公作用,在愉快和谐的氛围中体会语文魅力。因此,本文以初中语文教学为例,探讨教师展现其语言魅力的技巧,以期可以构建充满语言魅力的立体课堂。  关键词:语言魅力;初中语文;立体课堂;语言艺术  任何学
摘 要:和谐的沟通交流能拉近老师与新生家长之间的感情,能更好促进幼儿的健康成长,但在沟通中往往存在着很多分歧,这种分歧阻碍孩子的健康成长,阻碍了家园关系的和谐发展。面对存在的种种现状,必须搭建平台促进交流,采取有效沟通艺术、帮助家长度过磨合期,促进幼儿教师与新生家长沟通,用正确的方法和途径与家长沟通,让每一次的沟通都能促进理解与信任,从而让家长成为幼儿教育的核心力量,让家园共育得到更好的配合和支持
摘 要:足球是世界第一运动,足球教学已成为体育教学的重要组成部分,受到了各高校乃至全国各界人士的关注。足球水平的提高要靠足球教学,而作为足球教学重要手段的足球教学方法对足球教学效果有着重要影响,关系着足球运动水平的提高。当今足球教学中的教学方法存在着一些问题,影响着教学质量,急需得到改进。本文主要对仁寿县中小学足球的发展现状与对策研究并提出改进方法。  关键词:仁寿县;中小学;现状;方法  1研究
《语文课程标准》中明确规定“指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国的语言文字”是小学语文教学的目标之一。但是,我们在教学中发现:学生书面表达中错别字特别多,直接影响了语言表达的准确性和效果。因此,如何帮助学生纠正错别字,已是我们教师迫在眉睫的任务。  一、小学生错别字的成因  大多数汉字是形、音、义的统一。他们有自己的结构规则和写作规则。它们在使用时不能被同音词所取代,但汉字中有许多具有不同形式和意义的字符
摘 要:在消费升级的推动下,新生代消费行为带动零售商业出现了显著的升级变化,诞生出基于更多消费场景的新零售,成为零售业转型升级的新风口。2017年两会,作为新零售核心内容的“推动实体店销售和网购融合发展”被写入政府工作报告。随着社会的发展,零售企业的用人需求和标准也在不断提高,高职连锁经营管理专业必须以零售行业为核心和主导,不断研究用人需求,以此提出人才培养目标;在此基础上依据岗位设置和能力要求,
摘 要:随着教育事业不断的进步,对学生不仅仅是注重对知识的培养,而是向着综合素质培养的趋势,在新课改的影响下,各学科之间存在着微妙的联系,实现了学科之间的融合,体育与音乐,美术与音乐,音乐与文学等,都可以有效的结合,这些学科之间的融合既是新时期教学的挑战也是机遇。初中体育作为初中课程的重要组成部分,能够帮助学生提高其身体素质,但是目前很多学校在体育教学方面还存在一些问题,文章将对新时期的教学方法展