
来源 :民族文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mowill
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新疆首届文学翻译研讨会于1990年9月下旬在阿克苏召开。参加本次学术研讨会的有从事维、汉哈、蒙等四个语种的文学翻译工作者30人,其中有老一辈的文学翻译家,也有近年涌现出来的优秀青年文学翻译工作者。新疆维吾尔自治区文联党组书记张贵亭同志参加了会议,并做了重要讲话,他对自治区各民族文学翻译工作者数十年来所取得的巨大成绩给予高度评价和充分肯定,并对今后的文学翻译工作提出了恳切希望。本次研讨会的召开,对于活跃自治区文学翻译学术活动,开展理论研究工作,提高翻译水平和译文质量,进一步发展文学翻译事业,都将起 Xinjiang’s first literary translation seminar was held in Aksu in late September 1990. There are 30 literary translators engaged in the four languages ​​of Chinese, Han, and Mongolian, including literary translators of the older generation and excellent young literary translators who have emerged in recent years. Comrade Zhang Guiting, secretary of the Fight against Untied Nations in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, attended the meeting and made an important speech. He highly praised and fully affirmed the tremendous achievements made by the translators of ethnic literature in the autonomous region over the past decades and put forth the work for future literary translation work Sincerely hope. The convening of this symposium will play an active role in the academic research of literary translation in the active autonomous region, carrying out theoretical research, improving the translation level and the quality of translation, and further developing the literary translation business.
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