
来源 :上海消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pandengwei
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6月5日,上海市消防局和市劳动保障局联合召开了新闻发布会。会上表示:上海部分消防员岗位将首次接受女性求职者应聘。据悉,上海此次除了招收消防战斗员和炊事员之外,另外新增了合同制消防文职人员和公务车驾驶员两个岗位,招聘的合同制“女兵”数量将在总的招聘人数中酌情录用。招聘采用现场报名和网上报名两种方式,一旦被正式录用,除消防战斗员外,其他岗位将实行上下班制,并在试用期可以分别拿到每月1200元和1000元的薪金,正式录用后则可以分别拿到不低于1800元和1500元的月薪,该薪金包括个人缴纳的社保费和收入税金。不过,女性消防员目前还不能参与救火。去年上海招聘了合同制消防员约300名,今年打算完成新建15个消防站,招聘消防战斗员、公务车驾驶员、文职人员和炊事员共计471人,下半年还计划招聘合同制消防员500人。合同制消防员将每年签一次合同。此次招聘的合同制消防员将按照属地、就近的原则进行。同时采取较去年更加优惠的政策,即招聘的合同制消防员被提任为班长或副班长,将享受现役士兵班长同样的职务津贴待遇,按照目前标准,班长每月享受115元的津贴,副班长每月可 On June 5, a joint press conference was held jointly by the Shanghai Fire Bureau and the Municipal Labor Security Bureau. The meeting said: Shanghai part of the firefighters jobs will be the first time candidates for female job applicants. It is reported that Shanghai in addition to recruiting firefighters and cooks, the other new contract civil service fire and official car driver two positions, recruitment contract system “female soldier ” the number will be in the total recruitment Recruit as appropriate. Recruitment site registration and online registration in two ways, once formally hired, in addition to fire fighters, other positions will be implemented on the shift system, and during the probationary period can get 1,200 yuan per month and 1,000 yuan salary, after formal hiring You can get a monthly salary of not less than 1800 yuan and 1,500 yuan, the salary includes individual social security contributions and income taxes. However, women firefighters are currently not involved in fire fighting. Last year, Shanghai recruited about 300 contracted firefighters. This year, it plans to complete 15 new fire stations, recruiting 471 firefighter combatants, official vehicle drivers, civil servants and cooks this year. In the second half of the year, it plans to recruit contractors of firefighters 500 people. Contract firefighters sign an annual contract. The recruitment of contract-based firefighters will be in accordance with the territory, the nearest principle. At the same time, we will adopt a more favorable policy than last year. That is, the recruited contract-based firefighter is re-appointed as the squad leader or deputy squad leader and will enjoy the same post allowance as the current squad leader. Under the current standard, the squad leader will enjoy a monthly allowance of $ 115. Monitor every month
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