在大力加强法制和普法宣传教育普遍深入的时候,平凉县白水乡王沟村却发生了一起无视法律、令人难以置信,而且由一群法盲酿成的摧残幼女的案件。一群法盲订出荒唐的婚约 1986年农历正月20日,白水乡玉沟村第三村民小组段老妇家人来人往、热闹非凡。她为了给12岁的女儿胡某招婿而宴请亲朋好友。在酒足饭饱之后,段老妇提出为女儿、女婿签订婚约。婚约上规定:“今后若有一方不要另一方,付给人民币两千元。”在
While vigorously strengthening the legal system and popularizing publicity and education, Wang Dao Village, in Baishui Township, Pingliang County, has witnessed an unbelievable disregard of law and a case of rape of young girls caused by a group of legal literati. A group of legal blindness absurd marriage contract 1986 年 the first lunar month on the 20th, Yu Shui Village, Baishui Township, the third group of villagers section of the elderly coming and going, bustling. In order to give her son-in-law, 12-year-old daughter Humou, she invited friends and family. After satiated enough, the section of old woman proposed to marry her daughter, son-in-law. Engagement stipulates: “If one side in the future do not want the other party to pay two thousand yuan.” In