敢于教学创新 坚持民族特色

来源 :中国民族教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytvct
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前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县位于吉林省西部,是吉林省唯一的蒙古族自治县。全县总人口达60万,有蒙古、汉、满、朝鲜等25个民族,其中蒙古族人口占11%。目前,全县177所各级各类学校中,民族学校有46所。前郭县充分认识发展民族教育的重要性,民族教育工作有着鲜明的特点和独特的经验。财政资金优先投入。多年来,前郭县认真贯彻落实国家、省市关于优先发展民族教育的一系列重大方针政策,把民族教育放在公共财政的突 Qianguo Er Rose Mongolian Autonomous County is located in the west of Jilin Province, Jilin Province is the only Mongolian Autonomous County. The total population of 600,000 in the county, Mongolia, Han, Manchuria, North Korea and other 25 ethnic groups, of which 11% of the Mongolian population. At present, there are 46 ethnic schools in 177 schools of all levels in the county. Qian Guo County fully understand the importance of developing ethnic education. Ethnic education has distinct characteristics and unique experiences. Financial funds give priority to investment. Over the years, Qian Guo County has conscientiously implemented a series of major guidelines and policies on giving priority to the development of ethnic education by the state, provincial and municipal authorities and put ethnic education on the agenda of public finance
AIM:To correlate circulating soluble ST2(sST2) levels with the severity of ulcerative colitis(UC) and serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines,and to demonstr
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1病历报告女,23岁。主因上腹部胀痛伴呕吐6 d、加重1 d入院。患者入院前6 d进食后出现上腹部疼痛,以中上腹为主,为持续性胀痛,无明显放射痛;伴恶心、呕吐,呕吐物为胃内容物,
春节来啦!在这个有点慵懒的长假里,终于可以舒缓我们时刻紧张的神经。于是在这个长假中,我们不要电脑、不要喧嚣,我们只要静静地、静静地漫游,在这个咪的世界。 Spring Fest
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