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据史料记载,有“开国第一宴”之称的新中国中央人民政府首次举办的招待宴会,毛泽东提议,采用“恩来家乡的淮扬菜”。淮扬菜,姓淮名扬,中国传统四大菜系之一,“扬”即以扬州为代表的长江流域,“淮”即以淮安为代表的淮河流域。但淮扬菜并不单纯是地理上的习惯说法,而是突出了淮扬菜在其形成发展中的地位。明清之前,淮安、扬州都有各自的饮食系统,明清之后,二者相互渗透,逐渐融合,并糅合南北风味为一炉,形成统一的菜系,“淮扬菜”由此而来。 According to historical records, there was the first banquet held by the Central People’s Government of New China, the first banquet held in the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Mao Tse-tung proposed adopting the Huaiyang Cuisine of Enlai hometown. Huaiyang cuisine, famous Huai Ming Yang, one of the four traditional Chinese cuisine, “Yang” is the Yangtze River represented by Yangzhou, “Huai” Huaihe River represented by the Huaihe River. However, Huaiyang is not simply a geographical custom, but it highlights Huaiyang cuisine in its formation and development. Before the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huaian, Yangzhou have their own diet system, after the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the two infiltration, gradually integration, and blend of North and South Flavor as a furnace, forming a unified cuisine, “Huaiyang cuisine” .
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黄芩正气胶囊是在芳香化湿醒脾的代表方不换金正气散的基础上加入黄芩而组成的,具有燥湿化浊,和胃健脾功效,是为湿阻中焦证而设,主治微恶寒发热轻,或身热不扬,腹胀呕吐,口苦咽干,但不欲饮,口中食臭,口淡微腻不渴,舌苔白腻微黄,脉濡缓或稍数等症状。 我们在前期的实验研究中发现,黄芩正气胶囊对正常的大、小鼠具有促进胃排空运动、增强胃肠消化能力、保护胃粘膜与抗炎的作用。因此,以前期实验结果为基础,为了探
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目的:考察朱砂七中总蒽醌和朱砂七大黄素的提取工艺并进行含量测定,再对朱砂七总蒽醌和朱砂七大黄素进行抗病毒作用的药效学考察,对朱砂七总蒽醌进行止泻的药效学考察。 方法