忠诚履行工会职责 为乐山“转型升级、美丽发展”建功立业

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2015年,乐山市总工会紧扣“转型升级年”经济工作主题,切实保持和增强工会组织和工会工作的政治性、先进性、群众性、依法履职、探索创新,为助推乐山转型升级、美丽发展贡献力量。一、凝心聚力跟党走坚持自觉接受党的领导是工会发展道路的核心。坚持以党的十八大精神为指引,认真学习习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,深入贯彻党中央、四川省委、乐山市委对工会工作的新要求,把夯实党的阶级基础和群众基础作为政治责任并落实到工会工作中。坚持广泛开展“四德”教育、形势政策教育,将党的先进理论传递到基层一线、企业班组,引导职工践行社会主义核心价值观,增强热爱祖国、建设美丽乐山的使命感和荣誉感。 In 2015, Leshan Federation of Trade Unions is closely linked to the theme of “economic transformation and upgrading” and effectively maintains and enhances the political, advanced and mass work of trade union organizations and trade unions, performs duties in accordance with the law, and explores and innovates to promote Leshan Transformation and upgrading, contributing to the development of beauty. I. Unite with the Party, Go and Insist on Consciously Accepting the Party’s Leadership as the Core of the Trade Union’s Development. Adhere to the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress as the guide, conscientiously study General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speeches, in-depth implementation of the Party Central Committee and Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, Leshan Municipal Committee of the new requirements for trade unions, to consolidate the party’s class basis and mass base as a political Responsibility and implementation of trade union work. Adhere to extensively carry out education on “four virtues” and education on the situation and policies, and pass on the party’s advanced theory to grass-roots frontline and enterprise groups to guide staff and workers to practice the socialist core values ​​and enhance their sense of mission and honor to love the motherland and build a beautiful Leshan .
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