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2003年12月22日,原告赵某因咽部不适,到被告北京某医院就诊,诊断为上感,皮试青霉素为阳性,按医嘱口服阿莫西林胶囊1粒。事后导致了听力下降,耳聋、耳鸣和眩晕等不良症状,被确诊为突发性耳聋。北京市法庭科学技术鉴定所接受法院委托于2005年2月21日做出鉴定,结论为:(1)医院在赵某青霉素皮试结果为阳性的情况下为其开具阿莫西林胶囊,医疗行为欠妥;(2)被鉴定人赵某出现的耳鸣、右耳听力下降与医院的医疗行为之间无因果关系。一审法院依据鉴定,认为被告某医院在赵某青霉素皮试结果出现阳性的情况下,未尽到应有的关心和注意义务,仍为其开具阿莫西林胶囊,某医院的医疗行为有过错。赵某出现的右耳听力下降、耳鸣、及右耳突发性耳聋与被告的医疗行为之间无直接因果关系。但因医疗行为欠妥判决给付赵某精神慰济金5000元,驳回赵某要求赔偿医疗费和继续冶疗费、残疾用具等20余万元的诉讼请求。一审后赵某又以认定事实不清,适用法律错误为由提出上诉,并提交了国内外医学杂志及有关书籍中关于青霉素能导致听力下降、耳聋的论述的证据,在二审时申请重新鉴定。二审驳回上诉人重新鉴定的要求,维持原判。 December 22, 2003, the plaintiff Zhao due to throat discomfort, to the defendant, a Beijing hospital for treatment, the diagnosis of a sense of skin test for penicillin positive, according to doctor’s advice oral amoxicillin capsules 1. Later led to hearing loss, deafness, tinnitus and dizziness and other adverse symptoms, was diagnosed with sudden deafness. Beijing Municipal Court of Science and Technology Appraisal Institute commissioned by the court on February 21, 2005 to make the appraisal, the conclusion is: (1) the hospital in the case of positive Zhao penicillin skin test for its issuance of amoxicillin capsules, medical behavior Defective; (2) Zhao was identified by the tinnitus, right ear hearing loss and the hospital’s medical behavior between no causal relationship. Court of First Instance based on the identification, that the defendant in a hospital Zhao penicillin skin test results appear not to the due care and attention obligations, is still issued amoxicillin capsules, a hospital’s medical conduct fault. There is no direct causal relationship between Zhao’s right ear hearing loss, tinnitus, and sudden deafness of the right ear and the defendant’s medical behavior. However, due to medical malpractice verdict to pay Zhao spiritual relief 5000 yuan, dismissed Zhao asks for compensation for medical expenses and continue treatment costs, disability appliances such as more than 20 million claims. After the first instance, Zhao once again appealed the decision on the basis of unclear facts and application of legal errors. He also submitted evidences that penicillin can cause hearing loss and deafness in domestic and foreign medical journals and related books, and applied for re-appraisal in the second instance. The second instance dismissed the appellant’s request for re-appraisal and upheld the original verdict.
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