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If you plan to shopin an American.super-market, follow thesesuggestions. Before you go shopping, look in thenewspaper for coupons for the items you want tobuy. You can save money by giving them to thecashier before you pay. To find a specific item,check the large signsabove each aisle. Theylist what is availableand will help you find what you need mote quick-ly. You should be aware of brand names. Mostsupermarkets carry a store brand, a genericbrand, and several others. Those two brands are If you plan to shopin an American.super-market, follow thesesuggestions. Before you go shopping, look in the newspaper for coupons for the items you want tobuy. You can save money by giving them to thecashier before you pay. To find a specific item ,check the large signsabove each aisle. Theylist what is availableand will help you find what you need mote quick-ly. You should be aware of brand names. Mostsupermarkets carry a store brand, a genericbrand, and several others. Those two brands are
20年前,他用全家仅有的21元钱艰辛创业; 20年后,他已成“贵州民企第一人”,个人资产达30亿元; 2006年,他在胡润百富榜上排名第325位,中国慈善榜上排名第2位;如今,他仍在续写
英语单词 road,street,avenue,way,route,path,track,lane 等都有“路”的意思,但“路”的含义和范围有所不同。本文仪就这一具体的含义说说它们各自不同的用法。1.road 常
娱乐圈总是变幻莫测,风起云涌,一批批新人层出不穷,让人眼花缭乱。然而,有许多面孔只是在荧幕上一闪而过,未等我们熟识,便销声匿迹;也有一 The entertainment industry is a
下面是与帽子有关的小小填空游戏,目的在于通过游戏让读者了解下列帽子与美国人职业的关系。请你在每顶帽子下的方框中用英文填入与之有关的职业名称。答案见第48页。 The
希莱尔·贝洛克(HilaireBelloe、1870一1953)生于法国。英国著名诗人、史学家、散文家及小说家。现代英国散文大师之一八894年入牛津大学,以优异成绩毕业。 Hilaire Bellow
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