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利用放射性金诊断心脏病的新技术可能会象黄金本身那样有价值。美国和英国的研究小组发现,将放射性金注入血管,当患者暴露在比目前诊断时用的锝元素剂量小得多的射线中时,便能产生清晰的心脏计算机图像。指导用放射性金作临床试验的Vermont大学的心脏学家Frans Wacker说:“用与锝等剂量的金可使肌体少接受20倍的射线量。”从台式汞金发生器中获得放射性金后,医生们便将它注入患者血管,放射性金随血流到达心脏,它到达并经过心脏 New technologies that use radioactive gold to diagnose heart disease may be as valuable as gold itself. The United States and British researchers found that injecting radioactive gold into the bloodstream produces a clear computer image of the heart when the patient is exposed to a much smaller dose of technetium than the current diagnosis. Frans Wacker, a cardiologist at Vermont University who directs the use of radioactive gold as a clinical trial, said: “With doses of gold equal to Technetium, the body can receive 20 times less radiation.” After radioactive gold has been obtained from a benchtop mercury-gold generator, The doctors inject it into the patient’s bloodstream, radioactive gold reaches the heart with blood flow, and it reaches and passes through the heart
近几年来,沉寂多年的中国语文界可谓“百家争鸣,百花齐放”,各种行之有效的教法改革如雨后春笋般层出不穷,我作为一个苦心摸索于语文教学的一员,不揣浅陋,将自己的一点愈见拙笔与此,求教于各位同仁。  一、“问”的激发与引导  清代学者刘开在《问说》中写道:“君子之学必好问,问与学,相符而行者也,非学无以致疑非问无以广识。”这就鲜明地阐述了问与学的关系,并强调了问的重要性。在当今教改大潮中有感于此,我进行
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