,Quantitatively Exploring the Effect of a Triangular Electrode on Performance Enhancement in a 4H-Si

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blue_lnan
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A model of novel triangular electrode metal-semiconductor-metal (TEMSM) and conventional electrode metal- semiconductor-metal (CEMSM) detectors is established by utilizing the ISE-TCAD simulator.By comparing the simulated results of TEMSM and CEMSM with experimental data, the model validity is verified and the TEMSM detector shows a superiority of a 113% photocurrent increase of 25.4 nA and similar low dark current of 3.16 pA at 30 V bias over the CEMSM device.Furthermore, the electrode angle α, width W and spacing S are optimized to obtain the enhanced device features including high UV-to-visible rejection ratio and large responsivity, etc.Under 30 V bias, the maximum UV-to-visible rejection ratio, comparable responsivity and exteal quantum efficiency at 31 0nto are 13049, 0.1712A/Wand 68.48% for a TEMSM detector with device parameters of α= 60°, W=3μm and S = 4 μm, respectively.
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1990年5月,全国小小说笔会在河南商城汤泉池畔举行,吹响了中国当代小小说民间性创作的集结号,刘连群也是与会作家之一。  刘连群立足中国传统文化土壤,在传承中创新,在他的笔下既有对传统文化中优秀成分的传承与弘扬,故事情节编排得波澜起伏,人物形象饱满鲜活,语言繁简得当,或三言两语简笔勾勒,或浓墨重彩精雕细描,写人状物表情达意深具我国传统小说写作之精妙。如《孝子》中“孝子”程老板对中华孝道淋漓尽致的诠