
来源 :中国城市研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxh0532
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推进长三角区域一体化、加快建设长三角世界级城市群已经成为国家战略,但区域经济一体化的内在作用机理仍然是一个值得深入研究的学术问题。本文基于关系经济地理视角,认为区域一体化发展的核心机理在于微观经济主体跨越本地界限的互动、联系与结网,在于地方化的散状集群向区域化的集群网络的演化。对于正致力于在全国率先建设成为创新型区域的长三角地区而言,不同城市的企业在区域内的创新合作与互动网络对于区域一体化发展至关重要。本文以上海集成电路产业为切入点,通过联合申请专利、国家重大科技专项合作两个方面的分析,刻画了上海集成电路企业创新网络的空间尺度特征。研究发现,集群内本地化合作仍然是上海集成电路企业创新网络的主导形态,而与外部联系而形成的集群网络具有显著的空间跳跃性,上海的集成电路企业与长三角其他城市企业的创新合作较少,有限的合作集中于大学、研发机构。基于任务导向型的国家重大科技专项则显著促进了上海企业与长三角其他城市企业之间的创新合作,发挥国家创新网络与区域创新网络的耦合显然有助于推进区域一体化进程。 To promote regional integration in the Yangtze River Delta and speed up the construction of a world-class urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta have become national strategies. However, the inherent mechanism of regional economic integration remains an academic issue worthy of further study. Based on the perspective of relational economics and geography, this paper argues that the core mechanism of regional integration is the interaction, connection and networking of microeconomic entities across local boundaries, and the evolution of localized scattered clusters to regionalized cluster networks. For the region of the Yangtze River Delta, which is committed to being the first in the country to become an innovative region, the innovative cooperation and interactive networks of enterprises in different cities in the region are crucial to the development of regional integration. In this paper, the IC industry in Shanghai is taken as the breakthrough point. Through the analysis of joint application for patents and the cooperation of major national science and technology projects, the paper depicts the spatial scale characteristics of Shanghai IC innovation network. The study found that intra-cluster localization cooperation is still the dominant form of Shanghai IC innovation network, and the cluster network formed by external connection has significant space jumping. The innovation cooperation between IC industry in Shanghai and other cities in the Yangtze River Delta Less, limited cooperation focused on universities, research institutions. Based on the task-oriented major national science and technology project, the innovation and cooperation between Shanghai enterprises and other cities and enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta have been significantly promoted. Coupling the national innovation network with the regional innovation network is obviously conducive to advancing the process of regional integration.
芦苇阻水 河道内众多滩地和改道段生长着芦苇,致使水道河床糙率增大,行洪水位全面抬高,严重削弱了行洪能力,给安全度汛带来了很大威胁。例如,淮河入江水道的三河段,由于芦苇