Stress analysis of three-dimensional finite element model of malunion calcaneus during gait

来源 :中国人民解放军军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rui1986911
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Objective: To analyze the stress distribution of calcaneus with posterior articular facet compressed after fracture and talus during gait. Methods: A wedge under the posterior articular was transected from a normal finite element model of calcaneus and talus to simulate malformation of compression of the posterior facet after fracture of calcaneus. The model was used to simulate for three subphases of the stance during the gait(heel-strike, midstance, push-off) and calculate the finite element. The results were compared with normal situation. Results: The stress distribution within the bone in situation of malformation was obtained and regions of elevated stresses for three subphases were located. The results were significantly different from that of normal situation. Conclusion: The simulation of calcaneus and talus in malformation has important clinic implication and can provide an insight into the factors contributing to many clinic pathogenic changes after fracture of calcaneus.
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