Blue Bear

来源 :中学英语园地·初三版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chtg
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  Blue Bear lived in a little house near a hill.
  One spring,1it was time to plant his tomato plants, Blue Bear went to work in his new2. Very carefully, Blue Bear planted each little3plant in his garden.
  All the summer, he took care of the garden and4the plants. Sometimes he would sit by the garden,5his fruit juice.
  Near the end of the summer, the tomatoes were fat and red. Blue Bear6quite a lot and took them into his little house. He thought, “Mmmm, I have tomatoes. Now I think it’s time to7bread!”
  With his pan he began to make bread. It8him only a few minutes to finish it. The whole house was filled with a wonderful9. Then he cut the tomatoes and made a big sandwich.
  He was so10that he ran out of the house, singing and jumping. And when he really felt a little11, he thought of his sandwich and went12into the house. Just when he was taking up the13, Mr Bear saw the Dog came.
  “14I stay with you tonight? I’m just too tired to walk on,” said the Dog.
  “Yes, please!” answered Blue Bear, and15each enjoyed half of the sandwich. Blue Bear was happy that he was able to help someone who needed help.
  1. A. when B. which C. but D. and
  2. A. house B. school C. city D. garden
  3. A. tree B. tomato C. potato D. flower
  4. A. pulled B. pushed C. watered D. made
  5. A. eating B. buying C. selling D. drinking
  6. A. picked B. cooked C. found D. planted
  7. A. eat B. drink C. make D. buy
  8. A. took B. had C. paid D. stayed
  9. A. smell B. drink C. cheese D. tea
  10. A. hungry B. thirsty C. happy D. sorry
  11. A. happy B. worried C. angry D. hungry
  12. A. by B. back C. past D. out
  13. A. juice B. plant C. sandwich D. book
  14. A. Must B. May C. Do D. Did
  15. A. it B. she C. he D. they
  1. A。 春天是播种的季节,也正是西红柿秧苗栽种的时节。由此可以推断该空应填 when,意为“当……的时候”。
  2. D。 由第3空后面的 in his garden 可以反推该空应填 garden。
  3. B。 由第1空后面的 tomato plants 可以推断该空应填 tomato。
  4. C。 精心照料菜园,一定要给植物浇水,因此该空应填 watered。
  5. D。 逗号后面应用现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随状况。而果汁只能“喝”,故空白处应填 drinking。
  6. A。 根据上下文可知,应先“摘”西红柿,然后才能将它们拿到他的小屋里, 故空白处应填 picked。
  7. C。 第8空前面的 make bread 暗示该空应填 make。
  8. A。 根据语境推测,该空表示“花费”的意思,且该句用 It 作形式主语,因此空白处应填 took。
  9. A。 新做的面包使整个房子充满了香味,因此空白处应填 smell。
  10. C。 下文的 singing and jumping 暗示主人公的心情很好,因此该空应填 happy。
  11. D。 12. B。 当他真地感到有点饿的时候,便想起了三明治,于是他跑回屋里,故第11空填 hungry, 第12空填 back。
  13. C。 根据上文 thought of his sandwich 可以推断出该空应填 sandwich。
  14. B。 根据语境可知,该空应填 May,用以征求对方的许可。
  15. D。 each 暗示该空应填 they,表示 Blue Bear and the Dog。
一天下午坐在办公室里批改听写本,越改越生气,只听写了十来个简单的单词,可结果却非常糟糕,于是便决定放学后找几个听写情况特别差的学生到办公室“强化”一下。  师:知道找你们几个到办公室来干嘛吗?(很生气)  生:知道。(低着头)  师:为什么?(依旧很生气)  生:听写的太差了!(头低地更低了)  师:知道第二天要听写,为什么课后不背?(更生气)  生:回家背了,昨天晚上、今天早上都背的,可是一到听
所有的改革都是应运而生,其目的都是为了顺应社会的发展,新课程教育改革也不例外。作为一线教师,如何正确理解新课改的内涵,如何配合新课改的实施,最主要也是最重要的一点就是要充分理解新课改所设定的教学目标。而新课改后提出的三维目标中突出的一项就是对学生情感、态度、价值观的培养。  信息时代的到来使得很多学生能够自由通畅地接触到大量信息,然而这些信息鱼目混杂,加上中学生自身价值观的不成熟,很容易受到误导,
It is known to all that the sun is bright, which can give us light and warmth. Itis also unselfish, which shines everything all the time.
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