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一从南宁出发的时候,雨下得很大,天地朦胧成一片。车子在高速路上,简直就像是一只瓢虫,在茫茫雨雾这棵枝繁叶茂的大树上爬行。车后厢装着几大包衣物,在大雨滂沱中我们向平果县城奔去。此行,我们要到平果县海城乡两个瑶族村寨的小学看望那里的孩子们,给他们带去一些御寒衣物和学习用品。衣物和学习用品是全国各地爱心人士捐赠的。我们充当使者,把他们的爱和温暖传递出去。海城乡,距离县城40公里。南部石山紧叠,北部丘陵连绵,中部河谷较平坦。海城没 A departure from Nanning, the rain is great, the world into a hazy. The car on the highway, it is almost like a ladybug, in the vast rain fog tree lush trees crawling. In the back of the car with a few large bags of clothing, in the heavy rain we ran to the Pingguo County. In this trip, we will go to the primary schools of two Yao villages in Haicheng, Pingguo county to visit the children there and bring them some warm clothing and school supplies. Clothing and school supplies are donated by caring people across the country. We act as ambassadors, passing on their love and warmth. Sea City, 40 kilometers from the county. Rocky mountains in southern tight, rolling hills in the north, the central valley is relatively flat. Haicheng no
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