Sub-picosecond chirped pulse propagation in concave-dispersion- flattened fibers

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We propose the sub-picosecond chirped soliton pulse propagation in concave-dispersion-flattened fibers (CDFF). The effects of pulse characteristics and the fiber dispersion parameters on propagation characteristics of the chirped soliton pulse are numerically investigated in the CDFF by the split-step Fourier method (SSFM). The unchirped soliton pulse can stably propagate with unchanged pulse width in the CDFF. The temporal full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the chirped soliton performs a damped oscillation with the increase of propagation distance. The period and amplitude of the oscillation increase with the increase of the chirp parameter |C|. The effect of high-order dispersion (β36) on soliton propagation characteristics can be neglected. The soliton pulse slightly broadens with the increase of propagation distance and still maintains soliton characteristics when the fiber loss (ATT) is further considered. The variation of root-meansquare (RMS) spectral width with propagation distance is opposite to that of the temporal width. The output spectrum of soliton has a single peak for the unchirped case, while has multi-peak for chirped case. The temporal width of the soliton obviously increases with the increase of the initial width, decreases with the increase of dispersion peak D0 of the fiber, and slightly increases with the decrease of dispersion coefficients k1 and k2 of the fiber.
为研究众多因素对高功率固体激光装置输出功率平衡的影响, 利用已建立的功率平衡综合分析模型初步分析了正在建造的最大固体激光装置的功率平衡问题。介绍了模型的建立过程、功能特点和主要算法。数值模拟分析了使用单一Haan脉冲波形条件下系统偏差和随机偏差对装置输出功率平衡的综合影响。结果表明, 在补偿系统偏差后, 注入能量抖动3%, 放大器增益抖动15%和频率转换失谐角抖动2%的条件下, 使用单一Haan脉冲能满足总的功率平衡要求。最后根据数值计算结果对随机偏差指标进行了初步分解。
在采用7fs、770nm的激光脉冲进行的高次谐波实验中产生了光子能量约为90eV的单个软x光脉冲,并通过激光场中氪气的光电离过程对其进行了研究。在探测垂直于激光偏振方向的光电子能谱中,由于此方向上激光场引起的电子能谱展宽受到抑制,从而使研究人员能够观测到激光场引起的能谱移动,获得亚激光周期的时间分辨率。测量了脉宽为1.8fs( 0.7/-1.2fs)的单个X光脉冲,它比激光的振荡周期(2.6fs)还要短。本文采用的亚飞秒激光脉冲的产生和测量方法,对于很宽波长范围的X射线都是适用的,这为阿秒实验科学铺平了道
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