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凉山州是粘虫常发区,解放以来有记载的大发生年份达八次之多,造成千万斤粮食的减产损失。 1958年以来,该区已开始粘虫研究,各县先后开展了粘虫的测报与防治工作。但多年来,由于虫源不清,在测报和防治上仍掌握不了主动权。 该州位于北纬27°15′至29°20′。东经102°30′至103°50′,在四川西南和云南东北交界处,年降雨量800—1,500毫米,冬春干旱,夏秋多雨,年平均温度10.1°—20.3℃,一月份平均气温1.3°—6.5℃,年平均相对湿度66—85%,自然气候复杂,作物种类繁多,有一些地区适合粘虫越冬。 我们采用了挖土,剥查稻桩、蒿杆和查地面杂草等四种方法,进行了越冬调查: 1.地面杂草调查。 选点后,将杂草轻轻拔开,仔细观察有无粘虫,并观看所居部位,然后用锄头或棍棒将杂草拍打振动,再用刀割去杂草(边割边播),最后观察地面,即可发现假死或爬动的粘虫幼虫。共查2,643个样点(平方米),拾得各种粘虫幼虫903头,每平方米0.3头,虫口最大密度每平方米70头,都属劳氏粘虫、白脉粘虫等类型。 Liangshan Prefecture is a common area where armyworms are endemic. Since the liberation, there have been eight major occurrences and the loss of 10 million jin of grain has been lost. Since 1958, the area has started to study armyworms and the counties have carried out the reporting and prevention and control of armyworm. However, over the years, due to unclear source of insects, they still can not grasp the initiative in measuring and controlling. The state is located at latitude 27 ° 15 ’to 29 ° 20’ north. Longitude 102 ° 30 ’to 103 ° 50’, annual rainfall of 800-1,500 mm at the junction of southwestern Sichuan and northeastern Yunnan, drought in winter and spring, summer and autumn rainy, the annual average temperature of 10.1 ° -20.3 ℃, the average January temperature of 1.3 ° -6.5 ℃, the annual average relative humidity of 66-85%, the natural climate is complex, a wide range of crops, in some areas for winter armyworms. We adopted the four methods of digging soil, peel stubble, artemisinin and weeds check the ground, conducted a winter survey: 1 ground weeds survey. After the selection, the weeds are gently unplugged, and the presence of the armyworm is observed carefully to observe the area where the weeds live. Then the weeds are shaken with a hoe or a stick to vibrate the weeds, and the weeds are cut with a knife (cut sowing) Finally observe the ground, you can find suspended animation or crawling armyworm larvae. A total of 2,643 samples (square meters) were collected, which collected 903 larvae of various armyworm larvae, 0.3 per square meter and the maximum population density of insects was 70 per square meter. All of them belonged to the armyworm, armyworm and so on.
F Z1,全球第一款恒定光圈、12倍光变的数码相机;F X1,全球第一款带有光学防抖功能的迷你时尚机种。前不久,松下发布了全球第一款采用16:9比例CCD的数码相机--LX1。LX1采用长
一个名牌院校的毕业生参加工作后,充分施展自己的才华,创出了高出他人的效益。不料,这竟激起了众怒,许多人纷纷杀他的锐气。面对自己的孤立,小伙子困惑了。老板知道后,把他请到自己的办公室,让他看墙上那幅风景画。那上面画了许许多多几乎一般高的各种各样的树,而在那一排树的前面,有一棵挺拔的松树特别醒目——高高地耸向蓝天,那超凡脱俗的壮美令人震撼!  嫉妒的发生,与时间和空间的距离成反比。人们嫉妒的不是远远超
生命表(Life table)最早在十七—十八世纪在欧洲为人口统计而设计的,常用于人寿保险事业。五十年代中期加拿大的摩利斯(Mor-ris)和米勒(Miller)两人最早将生命表运用于昆虫