Three years ago, the Korean girl Li Zhenfen was still a high-school graduate with a high degree of grain. Today she is already an advanced producer on the agricultural front. In 1955, Li Zhenfen, after graduating from high school, was attracted to the countryside where many young people were leaping forward. She immediately took part in her hometown’s agricultural construction. When she looks down, shoving, shoveling nothing, every day sweating tired, exhausted. However, because she is willing to study hard and pay tribute to her, she has become a master on the agricultural front in Harbin for three years. She has mastered the general farm work of water and field and learned many advanced science and technology at the same time. When the spring labor last year, the labor force in the community was very nervous and some areas were deserted. Party, group called for the creation of new tools, Li Zhenfen according to the principle of seeder made a dung machine. Use this dung dung machine, dredge manure again and again, fast, and save energy, improve work efficiency four times. Summer 薅 rice