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风靡一时的“质量第一”的口号,如今升级换代为六个西格玛之类的词汇后,仍然被许多制造企业奉为圣经。其实,质量不是第一位的。 我甚至可以举个例子,说明质量连前十八位都不是。根据美国权威的《消费者报告》的最新排名,别克君威是质量最可靠的中型轿车。然而,被视为“消费者的圣经”的这份报告,推荐了十八款家庭轿车,别克君威却榜上无名。《消费者报告》对君威的评论是:这款上了年纪的车还行,但是与更新理先进的竞争产品相比没有什么特别之处。其缺点包括“不灵巧的操控”和“在前座坐得越久就越不舒服”。 质量本来是美国车的弱项,在日本车靠质量长驱直入美国本土后,美国车才亡羊补牢地奋起直追。现在别克君威好不容易追上了,消费者却不买账了,实在让别克郁闷:企业的圣经,和消费者的圣经,为什么不是同一本经? The all-rage “quality first” slogan is still being adopted by many manufacturing companies as a bible after it has been upgraded to six such terms as Sigma. In fact, quality is not the first place. I can even give an example of how quality is not even the top 18. Buick Regal is the most reliable midsize sedan based on the most authoritative US Consumer Reports ranking. However, the report, which is considered the “Consumer Bible,” recommended 18 family cars, with the Buick Regal unnamed. Consumer Reports commented to Regal that this older car was OK, but nothing special compared to more advanced and competitive products. Disadvantages include “incongruous manipulation” and “getting uncomfortable sitting longer in the front seat.” The quality of the United States was originally a weakness in the United States, Japan, the quality of cars fueled straight into the United States, the American car only to catch up. Now Buick Regal finally catch up, consumers do not buy it, it really makes Buick depressed: business Bible, and the consumer Bible, why not the same?
今天,老师给我们带来几颗奇怪的种子,它小小的,两头尖尖的,穿着一件咖啡色的皮衣,皮衣皱巴巴的,像老奶奶的脸。 Today, the teacher brought us a few strange seeds, it is
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那是一张纸,一张孤孤单单的飘落在角落里的白纸。那天,在我很沮丧很无聊地收拾房间时,发现了它,才清楚地看见它背面大大的英文句子——“Iam the best!” It was a piece of
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