
来源 :花木盆景(盆景赏石) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bosigai
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一年有四季,因时令季节的不同给盆景的养护管理工作带来了一定的难度。为了养护好盆景,不让其因季节变化而深受其害,我们必须掌握各树桩对季节转变的习性及特点。春季春天是万物复苏草木萌芽之时,但此时不管是南方还是北方,昼夜的温差还是相当大,空气湿度虽有所回升,但一到下午(或晚上)仍有北风肆虐。此时对新采的树桩要用簿膜或稻草等保暖物进行保暖保湿,对养护管理工作不可掉以轻心。如白天对树桩浇水过多,夜晚霜降或冰冻会冻死新长根系,因此得根据树桩自身的习性和天气情况进行浇水或向地面、叶面喷水以增加空气温度。施肥切勿急于求成,认为春天是树桩生长季节快点施肥补给养分,其实不然,因为此时是树桩刚生长新根之时,如果施浓肥,轻者使其停止生长,重者会导致 There are four seasons a year, due to seasonal differences in the bonsai conservation management has brought a certain degree of difficulty. In order to conserve bonsai, not let it suffer from seasonal changes, we must grasp the habits and characteristics of the stump on the seasonal changes. Spring spring is the time of recovery of vegetation. However, the temperature difference between day and night is still quite large, no matter the south or the north. At this time, there is still a north wind raging in the afternoon or at night. At this time, the newly-harvested stumps should be kept warm and moisturized by thermal insulation materials such as film or straw, and the maintenance and management work should not be taken lightly. If the tree stump watering too much during the day, the night frost or freeze will freeze the new long root system, so have their own habits according to stumps and weather conditions for watering or to the ground, foliar water to increase the air temperature. Fertilization do not rush for success, that the spring is the stump growing season fertilizer application of nutrients quickly, it is not, because this time when the stump just grow new roots, if the fertilizer, the light to stop growth, weight will lead to