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往事悠悠 遮不住一个女人曲折坎坷的感情经历 岁月漫漫 诉不尽一位女皇经天纬地的人生业绩 贞观十五年秋夜,武媚娘第一次受唐太宗“宠幸”。太宗死后,武媚娘被打入感业寺,后又由侍女成为才人、昭仪。在一系列的宫廷斗争中,她亲手扼杀女儿嫁祸王皇后,击败宰相长孙无忌,终于成为皇后。她与高宗相互依存又恨爱交加, 以她卓越的政治才能掌握实权,直到垂帘听政。高宗死后,她孤军奋战,废黜太子,任用酷吏,血腥镇压,把大唐天下变成了武周帝国,成为空前绝后的一代女皇。此时,她虽已君临天下,无奈渐入老境。最后,不得已重又恢复了李家王朝,完成了她辉煌而又痛苦的一生。 Long live the past can not hide a woman twists and turns ups and downs of the ups and downs of the feelings through the years of vicissitudes v. Endless a Queen by the latitude and longitude of life performance Zhenguan fifteen years autumn night, Wu Mei Niang for the first time by the Emperor Taizong “favor.” After the death of Taizong, Wu Mei Niang was hit into the feeling Temple, and later by the maid become talent, Zhaoyi. In a series of court battles, she personally killed her daughter to blame the Queen, defeating the prime minister Sun Wuji, and finally became the Queen. She and the emperor are interdependent and hate each other, with her outstanding political ability to grasp the real power, until the curtain to listen to politics. After the death of Emperor Gaozong, she fought alone, deposed Prince, appointed cruel officials, bloody repression, the Tang Dynasty into a Wu Empire, became an unprecedented generation of Empresses. At this point, although she has ruled the world, helplessly into old age. Finally, it was a last resort to regain the Li Dynasty, completed her brilliant and painful life.
以上之所以列举了历史上奥斯卡大大小小的事故危机,是因为第80届奥斯卡奖此刻正面临着“流产”的危险。 The reason why the above listed the history of the Oscars accid
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