Culturology-Study of the Creation of Socialist Spiritual Wealth

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redmend
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was written by Qian Xuesen who in recent years has advocated the development of modern organizational and administrative theories bearing on all relevant social enterprises. Qian urges that such development be based on a broad perspective and with a view
Due to China’s huge population base,and the fact that during the 1960s therewere two spurts in population,even if every couple at present only has one child,th
If the invasion of China by world capitalism began with the Opium War then itsplot to dismember China began with the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95.As a result of
relying on relevant historical documents and summing up hisown personal recollections, concretely considers and profoundly analyzes thetortuous course of the cr
repudiates the two commandments of Quine and Carnap:(a)Empiricism denies any autonomyto conceptual knowledge;(b) Logic is the center of philosophy,but analytici
在定量与定性问题分析时,目前广泛使用的是AHP方法,而属性层次模型(Attribute Hierachical Model:AHM)方法是在AHP方法的基础上建立的,本文采用属性层次模型方法,对教师的教