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目的了解2009—2013年沧州市围生儿出生缺陷的发生率及其相关因素,为今后出生缺陷的监测和预防提供依据。方法采用方便抽样联合整群抽样的方法,对近5年沧州市围生儿出生缺陷的监测资料进行回顾性分析。结果 2009—2013年沧州市围生儿出生缺陷发生率为10.06‰,呈逐年上升趋势(χ2趋势=4.002,P=0.045);年龄、母亲的文化程度和围生儿性别与出生缺陷发生有关,年龄小于20岁和大于35岁的孕妇其围生儿出生缺陷发生率明显高于其他年龄组(χ2=12.713,P=0.013);文化程度越低,则出生缺陷发生率越高(χ2=8.098,P=0.017);男性围生儿出生缺陷发生率明显高于女性围生儿(χ2趋势=4.120,P=0.044);出生缺陷前3位的顺位是先天性心脏病、多指(趾)和总唇裂;出生缺陷活产比例高达71.82%。结论沧州市近5年围生儿出生缺陷发生率逐年升高,相关因素有孕妇年龄、母亲的文化程度和围生儿性别。 Objective To understand the incidence of perinatal birth defects and its related factors in Cangzhou City from 2009 to 2013, and to provide evidence for the monitoring and prevention of birth defects in the future. Methods The sampling data were collected by convenient sampling combined with cluster sampling. The monitoring data of birth defects in perinatal children in Cangzhou City in recent 5 years were analyzed retrospectively. Results The incidence of perinatal birth defects in Cangzhou was 10.06 ‰ in 2009-2013, showing an increasing trend year by year (χ2 trend = 4.002, P = 0.045). The age, maternal educational level and perinatal sex were related to birth defects. The incidence of perinatal birth defects in pregnant women younger than 20 and older than 35 was significantly higher than in other age groups (χ2 = 12.713, P = 0.013). The lower the educational level, the higher the incidence of birth defects (χ2 = 8.098 , P = 0.017). The incidence of perinatal birth defects in men was significantly higher than that in women (χ2 trend = 4.120, P = 0.044). The first three birth defects were congenital heart disease, ) And total cleft lip; the proportion of live birth defects up to 71.82%. Conclusion The incidence of perinatal birth defects in Cangzhou City has been increasing year by year in recent 5 years. Relevant factors include the age of pregnant women, the educational level of their mothers and the gender of perinatal children.
一、前言某项生产工艺要求周期性地分析1—2NNaOH溶液中约1×10~(-3)N的锂离子。如用锂离子选择电极,则要求对钠的选择比达10~4左 First, a preface A production process
本文通过对大学生的阅读情况进行线上、线下的调查,了解和分析了大学生阅读现状和阅读特点,并从多方面对促进大学生阅读提出了建议。 Through online and offline survey of
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